Chapter 18

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All I'm saying is things may get confusing and long, I'm not sure. I have a plan I just don't know how to put it into action 😂

Doctors POV

"Yaz!" I called out as I ran down another hall, Najia not far behind me. All I could think about was the things that lay within my Tardis that could have escaped. What is something happened to Yaz and I could never tell her how I really felt? This caused my feet to carry me faster. Lights flickered on and off as the echoes of my scruffy boots hit the metal floor of the Tardis.

"Doctor!" i heard a call from down the corridor, it wasn't Yaz, it was Sonya. I knew where they were and that made me want to get to her as soon as possible. The library was a beautiful place, full of history and stories of all kinds. And also the swimming pool. But there was also dark knowledge in there. Things that people shouldn't see, and some things that should not be released.

I came across the dark wooden door, the engraving masterfully crafted. I burst through and my eyes searched the room.

"Doctor!" Sonya shouted again, leading me closer to their area. I knew where they were.

"Dammit Yaz.." i mumbled under my breath and took a turning. At the end of the long stretch, I saw Sonya crouched with Yaz laying on the floor.

"Yaz!" Najia called out in fright, both of us running full speed to her side. I dropped and slid on my knees to Yazs side.

"Yaz, wake up.." my hand slipped to her cheek, my thumb running over the cheekbone.

"What happened to her?" Najia asked and looked to Sonya for explanations.

"I dunno, she kept saying she heard this singing and then she was walking down here almost as if she was under a spell and she starred reading through the doctors book and then there was a glowing light and she touched it and she screamed and collpased" she did not take a breath through her rushed words. Now both the girls looked to me.

"She's had my whole time line shoved into her brain, she screamed because she saw the horrors I face faced" i didn't look at them, my eyes focused on Yaz. "And there's... I think something else is going on around here"

A small groan left Yaz's pale lips, slight movement joining with it. My heart pounded against my chest wihh heavy force, the pounding seeming to ring in my ears too.

"Doctor.." that was the first word to come from her. My name. The way it fell from her lips made my insides bend and twist.

"Yaz.." i spoke the words gently and a small smile grew as her eyes fluttered open and faced me.

"Doctor what happened to me?" she asked, her voice hoarse, her throat slightly clenched.

"You took in my whole time line, you have had every thought and feeling of my past crammed into your head.." my fingers traced gently against her forehead.

"There's so much.. Pain, pain and suffering. The amount of loss you-" her voice cracked her eyes eeeming to see the images fly through her mind.
"How do you live?" the question was genuine and horrified. "How do you carry that pain around so often?" a small tear slipped down her cheek. My thumb quickly moved to wipe it away. "It hurts.. It hurts so much Doctor" her voice seemed to break down more causing my heart to shatter.

"I will take it away" I placed both hands either side of her head and closed my eyes. I let the time line slowly be extracted from her mind and be brought into my own. I carried those memories around with me all the time but having them all at once so vividly..i wanted to scream. I wanted to curl up and cry and claw at my own skin trying to tear into my mind because the pain was too much. But i kept going. I would not let the.. The woman i love go through that. I would let each and every regret, pour into my soul again. The faces of every companion I failed burnt into my mind. Just a bit longer. Just hold on and keep the memories flooding in. The faces of burning children, the screams of daleks and chaos and war. I silenced it all, I killed them all, I ended it all! My eyes snapped open as the last of the memories floated in.
My ears rang, everything seemed blurry and heavy. I couldn't see alot, it merged into one dark smudge, my body felt like it weight a tone. It wanted to be dragged down down down into the dephs of the Tardis.

But then there was light. I saw something that drew me out of the darkness.  A single touch that released her from that pain. And a single angelic voice calling her back. Calling her back to the light.

"Doctor... Doctor" Yaz repeated, her hands on my shoulders and shaking me gently. My eyes came into focus tk see the three faces looking directly at me. I blinked a few times to try and clear my head.


"I'm here" I felt arms slip around my waist now and pull me into a body. It was yaz, only Yaz could make my heart throb like this. My own arms found my way around her.

"You blanked out on us there" she spoke with worry laced into her voice.

"no I'm alright.." i lied and pulled back slightly to look her in the eyes "we are going to be o-" i stopped when all the lights turned off and the door from afar slammed shut.

"what was that?!" Sonya cried out and moved closer to her mother.

"are there ghosts on this ship?" Yaz asked, her arms not leaving my waist. My eyes moved to a door that had a red glow shining from behind it.

"oh there's much worse than that on the ship.. And we are going to have to go through it"

To be continued...

Fuck I'm sorry everyone for long wait and this isn't even the important part. I decided I would split I into two bits and ugh I've just been trying to figure it all out. Sorry everyone x,

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