Chapter 30

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Yaz's POV-

I never knew before if I believes in a god. But my god I do now. This was a miracle. I don't know what I've done to deserve such a blessing but thank you. Thank you for bringing the love of my life back. The tears fell again as the Doctor sat up and I pulled her to my chest.

" were gone!" I cried into her shoulder and her arms wrapped around me. "Don't ever leave me again!" My fist collided with her chest multiple times. I was filled with pain and anger "You left me" I sniffed and let the anger out in every impact. I felt guilty, it wasn't her fault but I needed to let this out. She just held me firmly in her grasp.

"I'm not going anywhere..." she whispered and pressed a kiss to my temple gently ,leaving her lips there for a moment.

"It's time for us to leave" I heard the voice of River from behind. I pulled back from the Doctor and she stood up with me.

"River you said I...that I'm.."

"You're like me and the Doctor, immortal. You will now regenerate if you are close to death, however you only have one heart and if that is injured that will kill you instantly. You will live forever with the Doctor now"

"T..that's good" I was unsure . I'm happy to live with the Doctor forever but I couldn't watch as everyone around me dies. I looked to the side and the Doctor was already staring down at me with a sad smile.

"River we should get going" Jack announced from behind us and my attention was snapped back to him.

"Yes you're right..Doctor, look after her" River nodded to me but her eyes were on the Doctor.

"I'm sure she will be looking after me" The Doctor chuckled and slipped her arm around me but I could tell something was off , she was still so tense.

"Good luck you two" River smiled stepping back to Jack.

"See you Doc" Jack raises his hand to salute and to my surprise the Doctor saluted back. The two dispersed before our eyes and we were left in silence.

"So it's over?" I asked quietly my attention drawn up to her and she nodded a little.

"It's over" she whispered and pressed a kiss on the top of my head and slicked her fingers. The so familiar whine of the TARDIS started up and the blue box materialised in front of us, the door swinging open.

When we were in the TARDIS the tension between us was obvious. There were unspoken words between us. The Doctor had died. I watched her die and then almost change before my eyes. And now I was meant to be immortal and act as if nothing was changed. There was a quiet thump of the TARDIS landing and I head out the doors with the Doctor. We were at my apartment now, it looked as it always did except it was empty, mother must have gone out. Somehow my feet lead me to my bedroom and the Doctor was a few steps behind.

"Yaz is everything all right?" She asked, worry evident in her voice.

"Am I alright...? You died Doctor! You died and I was alone! You died in front of me and you expect me to be alright!? And to add the cherry on top apparently I'm immortal now?!" I watched the Doctors face grow pale, I know it wasn't her fault, she didn't do it on purpose but I needed to get it out at somebody.

"Yaz I'm know I never would've wanted you to have to deal with this..but i promise I will never leave your side. It will be me and you in the TARDIS travelling around the universe-"

"No! I can't do this anymore Doctor" my voice cracked a little and my hand slipped up to her cheek "Stay here with me, every time we go out there we risk our lives and I can't bare the thought of losing you again...i can't travel around anymore" her face now showed the pain, I knew she thought I was leaving her.

"Stay here with me...we can have a normal life, we can travel around this world, we can buy a home together and have a...a family" I smiled softly and pressed a kiss on her lips.

"I want that with you but I can never have a normal life. I can never be normal, the TARDIS is my home! And she's yours too"

"Doctor the TARDIS is your home but I want to have our home! Why can't you do that?" My voice raised and her brows furrowed.

"This has always been my life Yaz! From the very beginning! You know I'd do anything for you but just up and leaving what I have done for so long isn't easy!" She stepped closer to me and I felt my pulse raising.

"You know sometimes you can be really-!" Something changed in the way that she looked at me and my stomach clenched. That anger turned up into something else...
"Hot.." the word left my lips but almost didn't make it as my lips crashed onto hers and hands instantly started to tangle in her hair. It was passionate and needy and hungry. I knew what was coming.

[a.n To all my Asexual peoples , skip the next paragraph . It isn't gonna be visual cause we try to keep it pg13 here but. 😂👌🏻]

Her coat was already slipping from her arms and being thrown to the side, my own hands making their way to my shirt and sliding it up over my head and letting it drop to the ground. The doctors hands gripped my hips and next thing I knew I was laying back on the bed. Her shirt was the next to go, it landing somewhere across the room. Before I could even move, she was on top of me and her lips attached to mine again, that burning sensation grew inside more core. She pulled away for a moment and just looked at me.

"Do I have permission?" She asked quietly.

"Yes, god yes"

[see nice and mature 💁🏻]

"That was amazing" I mumbled against her neck before placing a few light kisses in the same place. We were now tangled together in bed, bodies almost bare underneath the white sheet that lightly laid over us.

"You were the amazing one" she chuckled quietly and I felt her fingers run through my hair gently.

"I'm sorry for shouting, it was unfair of me to ask such a thing of you" my voice was quiet and slightly sad. I knew it was cruel to make the doctor pick between me and her life, it was selfish and cruel.

"I'm sorry for not listening, i should've been considering what you want and not just my own wishes" she replied before pressing a kiss to the top of my head.

"Honestly Doctor it's-" my sentence stopped as I felt my stomach suddenly twist and turn. "Hold I think I'm gonna-" I got out of the bed quickly and ran out my room straight to the bathroom. I leant over the seat and I felt the contents of my stomach come up and out of my mouth. My throat stung as I threw up and I felt my face go pale. Hands suddenly pulled my hair back and I kept going for about 5 minutes until there was nothing left to let out. I coughed harshly and the doctor left my side for a moment to grab a wet flannel and dab it on my head.

"Oh Yaz.." she whispered and and let out a quiet sigh.

"What's happening to me.." I mumbled and held my stomach lightly "it's so weird,I felt fine earlier and now I.." my eyes fell to my stomach and I shook the thought from my head . Impossible. When I looked at the Doctor I saw her gaze was on my stomach too.

"Yaz.." she spoke quietly.

"Doctor why are you looking at me like that...babe you know it's's not"

"Yaz...are you pregnant?"


Lost girl- Thasmin (13th Doctor x Yaz)Where stories live. Discover now