Chapter 28

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Exterminate exterminate exterminate.

Those voices, no, war cries filled the room tearing down at the Doctor. Her legs became weak underneath her, like even they were fearful of what was infront of her. River looked towards the Doctor and her hand went to her shoulder to steady her.
Yaz felt herself become fearful, not because of the monsters, but because of the Doctor. That look in her eye. She had never seen such fear and pain and anger radiating from the woman. What could possibly affect the Doctor as much as this? Her thoughts swirled in her head, her body naturally looming closer to the Doctor.

"Doc-tor" the Doctor seemed to gain some kind of control of herself. The fear gone, replaced with an anger that burnt more then the dephs of hell. The fire in her eyes was one of pure hate and disgust, there was no mercy in this situation.

"How are you here?! I sent you away! You should be dead! Why can't you just die!" she shouted, the sharp sound bouncing around the walls.

"the cult of Skaro found an escape Doctor, they have been waiting, planning for a moment like this. Did you not think we would recognise you?" the women who had lead the group in asked, her head slightly tilted. The Doctors eyes went from the dalek eye stalk sticking out of her head then back to the daleks. She thought that all the Daleks memory's of the Doctor had been wiped since.. Since Clara cleared all data of the Doctor. But not these Daleks.

"So this is what you have been doing with the people you have been kidnapping?" she spat, eyes falling on more of the turned humans. "Turning them into your puppets to do your dirty work? Invading huh? How many more of you are there? Because I'm going to tell you this now, no matter the number, I will kill you all!" all the Daleks stared at the blonde woman.

"10,000" one spoke up and the doctors brow creased slightly.

"What?" she spoke almost breathlessly "

" 10,000 daleks have been built"

"built? Built from what?" she scoffed but her attention was brought to the sound of movement to the side. From a side entrance a new creature entered the room. It was a Dalek, but it was made from scrap pieces.

"So that's what you have been doing here. Making all these buildings, stealing people to create you an army... Then you attack is that right?" she asked, noticing River and Yaz moving closer to her and just watching to see what would happen.

"Yes, we shall invade this world and purge it of all the human filth" the main Dalek spoke up, its voice a hollow drone.

"Why?!" Yaz spoke up now, stepping forwards. "This is our home world! What did we do to you?" the Doctor moved her hand to her arm and held it.

"Don't" she warned her, eyes dark. Yaz hadn't seen her look at Yaz like this before. She hated it.

"The human race is weak, we will cleanse this earth and start a new empire. The Daleks will be reborn" the Doctors hand loosened from Yaz, her attention back fully on the daleks.

"You know what happened to the Daleks before. You know who caused  the fire that burnt and killed all of your race! You know who caused your screams where you first learnt the word Mercy! You know who brought you total destruction over and over again! Me! I did!" there were tears now forming in her eyes.

"I have lost everything!" she screamed at the metal beasts infront of her "i lost my home! My family! My race! My friends! My love! So if you think for a second I am going to let you rebuild your army... You underestimate the length I will go to to destroy you. I burned my own world. What else do you think I can do?" 

This was a new Doctor, or more like, it was an old doctor that had been bottled up for so long but now it's making its escape and breaking through, possessing the thoughts of 13. She wasn't the soft Doctor Yaz once knew, she was something else. Something dark and cruel

The Daleks stayed quiet for a moment. They just stared at the infamous time lord. "We have an army, we will send out the command to destroy the earth. And you will not be able to stop us" Karn droned out.

"The Doctor will stop you!" Yaz blurted out and stepped forwards again.

"Yaz don't-" river tried to warn her but she ignored the professor.

"The Doctor is brilliant, she's smart and kind but she is fearsome and protective. And she won't let you take this world. And I won't either! Leave this planet or else!"

"This is what your back up is Doctor?" one Dalek questioned. The Doctors hearts raced, her eyes flickering between thr Daleks and Yaz.
"We will destroy this human along with all the rest"

"Don't you dare touch her!" the Doctor barked out at them.

"The Doctors heart beat quickens for this girl, the Doctor feels for this girl. This is a weakness of the Doctor" the lead Dalek moved slightly closer.

"We now can defeat the Doctor, the young human will be exterminated! EXTERMINATE!"

Yaz's POV

Events like this all happen in slow motion. There was too much going on at once. All I remember is the call of the Dalek, then a pressure against me. It took me off guard. My eyes were so focused on that beam of blue light and my name leaving the Doctors lips. I felt my body fall. Down and down toll it crashed into the cold floor.

But i wasn't hit. The air from my lungs all left as my mind processed the sight of what has happened. The Doctor had jumped. She jumped and pushed me out the way. Then her body lit up before a cry of pain left her and she fell onto her knees.

"Doctor!" i screamed and went to go by her side but a pair of strong arms held me back. It was River.

"Stay back Yaz, she needs to regenerate. Stand back" River commanded. I didn't understand. My girlfriend was shot. But now she glowed. A golden essence surrounded her. Her eyes went to me.

"It's OK Yaz, don't fear the change... Its still me" she smiled slightly but the fear in her eyes showed. Suddenly bursts of light shot out from her hands and head. River pulled me back further so I didn't get hit by the beams of hot light that started to smash and burn everything around it.

"nooooo!" one dalek called before its head blew off.

"The Dalek empire! We are losing connection! Exterminate!"

"No!" This time it was rivers voice. She whipped out her pistol and sent a shot. But it was too late. The Dalek had fired and the beam hit the doctor in the chest, stopping the golden light and making her fall onto her back.

"Doctor!" i broke away from River and skidded to her side. River took more shots at the Daleks that remained. Beams of blue light suddenly arose beside me and then were replaced by people in black uniforms with large guns. They shot at the Daleks and blew up the last few in the room. Then there was that silence.

"Jack?" River asked as the man came closer then looked down to the Doctor.

Listen to music for the feels

"Baby wake" I spoke, shaking the blonde slightly. Jack looked to River and her eyes were full of tears, her head shaking.

"Doctor wake up.." I spoke but her voice cracked, my fingers tracing the Doctors cheek.

"Yaz..." River started.

"Stop! DOCTOR WAKE UP!" I shouted and placed my two fingers on her neck. This caused the tears to flow more intensely. "No!" my heart broke on the spot.

Not breathing. "Come back... Come back" i whispered. But there was no reply.

The doctor was dead.

A. N don't come sharging at me with pitchforks OK? Just keep reading. Trust me.

Lost girl- Thasmin (13th Doctor x Yaz)Where stories live. Discover now