Chapter 26

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Yaz's POV-

"Mum!" I called out as I got to the apartment door and unlocked it.

"Still lives with her mum hmm?" River whispered and raised a brow at the Doctor but she just ignored her comment and walked into the apartment after her.

"Yaz?" I could hear my mums voice calling from another room as she came closer. She turned the corner and smiled "Yaz you're back and oh my favourite girl is here" I rose my brow as she walked past me and pulled the Doctor into a tight hug and gave her a squeeze.

"Awh thanks Najia" the Doctor chuckled as they pulled apart.

"And who's this? A new friend?" My mum asked and I knew she was talking about River.

"Professor River Song" she put her hand out and my mum shook it.

"I'm Yaz's mum Najia, so what brings you three here" she asked as she walked back through the lounge.

"Unfortunately the future of an alien attack" the Doctor pouted and my mums eyes widened.

"What are you doing here then?" she asked confused and clocking her brow.

"Well we don't who, what or when it's going to happen so we needed to ask and see if anything weird has been going on recently" I asked and she seemed to be thinking for a moment.

"Yes actually" she nodded and walked to the couch and grabbed her laptop starting to type something in.

"Brilliant atleast we will have a lead" the Doctor had a cheery smile on even though I knew she was worried.

"Dont worry Sweetie I know you will be able to do this" River said and my arm quickly moved around the Doctor possessivly and my hand rested on her back and moved down a bit. My hand knocked something. My eyes peered back and- did that women seriously have her hand on the Doctors-!

"Skarcorp, new buisness which seemed to have appeared out of nowhere" my mother started to inform and we all walked closer but I kept the Doctor right by my side as we walked.

"What's so special about this place?" River questioned as she looked at some of the pages my mum had got up on the computer.

"well they have only been open for maybe a month and seemed to be working on the down low but suddenly out of no where the buisness has sparked and has buildings all over the world, even got one here in Sheffield of all places" Najia rolled her eyes.

"So it's suddenly done good? Anyhhing else that makes it sketchy?"

"Well the thing is that they are offering out loads of jobs, not saying what kind of jobs but they are meant to be helping those who are losing their jobs, people on the street or have nothing left. People who have no one left to look for them"

"But that sounds like a great thing and why would people go looking for them?" the Doctor asked her face scrunching slightly in confusion.

"Because they don't come back out"

Me and the Doctor looked at eachothee and I just knew from the look in her eye, this was going to be a bad one.

"Then we should go investigate" River said firmly and was already on the way to the door.

"No River not yet" the Doctor spoke up and River turned quickly.

"What do you mean not yet?" she shook her head.

"If we go over now unprepared it won't go well. We need to go in during the day, go undercover, it's better to have an excuse for being in there rather than trying to make on up on the spot if we get caught at night" The Doctor was right but I could see there was still conflict with River on whether to go.

Lost girl- Thasmin (13th Doctor x Yaz)Where stories live. Discover now