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Quick prologue

Then we can get to the real fun

Cute Tae Fighting!

(Although let's be honest, the man is hot and he knows it;)) 

Warning: This chapter contains harsh language and domestic abuse 


(7 years ago) 

"Ow! D-daddy, please stop! I-it hurts."  A ten year old Taehyung plead as salty tears ran down his cheeks, mixing with the blood dripping out of his quickly purpling nose.

"Quit crying and shut the fuck up, Taehyung!"

Taehyung's father kicked him in the stomach, only making the tiny boy cry harder, as pain spread through his abdomen. He curled further into himself, hugging his aching stomach, and wishing for it to be over.

Through Taehyung's tears, he just managed to make out the blurry form of the clock above the kitchen table. 

11:50 pm

Only ten more minutes and then all of this would be over. He just had to hold on for another ten minutes.

It was the third death-versary of Taehyung's mother; his least favorite day.  

His mother had died in a car accident when he was seven, through no fault of her own. On September 3rd, a semi-truck had pulled onto the highway and hit his mother's car, flipping it off the road into a ditch. His mother had died on impact. Taehyung had been in the car too. He'd seen the semi-truck coming but by the time he'd shouted a warning to his mother, it was too late. She'd died right before his eyes. Taehyung had been badly injured in the wreak, but survived. He'd spent more than two weeks in the hospital, in and out of consciousness, and had left with a permanent limp due to his injuries. 

September 3rd was also his least favorite day, because it was the day Taehyung's father's anger peaked, as he chose to beat the young boy senseless in some twisted form of grievance. The day would usually go as such; Taehyung's father went to work from 8 am to 6 pm. He'd come home, have takeout dinner, chug a couple beers, and then continue to abuse Taehyung for the remaining two-four hours. The punishment always ended exactly at midnight, once it was a new day.

Taehyung was almost always left bruised and bleeding on the kitchen floor as the clock struck twelve. This night was no exception. 

Taehyung's father spent the majority of his day smothering his pain in alcohol, even while at work, which transitioned to anger as the hours wore on. Taehyung swore his father found pleasure in taking his fury and sadness out on the small child, and despite the pain it brought him, Taehyung let him do it, feeling in some deep part of his mind that it made up for the guilt he harbored over his mother's untimely death.


"Why do you have to look like her? You little rat! It's your fault! You stupid, worthless child!" Taehyung's daddy continued to hit and kick him, ignoring the cries and pleas of the small child, completely blinded by rage and pain.

Taehyung covered his head with his hands, attempting to shield himself from the tough blows. He could feel the blood dripping. He felt his energy draining out of him, yet his father didn't stop. It was only when Taehyung's eyes started to droop, and his whimpers became distant and rare, as he faded in and out of consciousness did Taehyung's daddy finally stop. He gave one final kick to the boy's abdomen before storming up the stairs, slamming the door of his bedroom closed in the process, leaving the poor injured boy broken and bleeding on the kitchen floor. His salty tears were mixing with the scarlet liquid and Taehyung knew he should get up. Knew if his father found him there the next morning, he'd be in even more trouble, but he was just so tired.

D-daddy was really mad at me this time. Taehyung is such a bad person. I need to try harder. Maybe daddy will understand if I take a nap here...

The young boy thought as his eyelids fluttered shut, consciousness slipping through his fingers. 

Another year down.

Another year hoping for change

With no such luck

Daddy, why can't you love me?

Taehyung passed out.


See I can write things under 1000 words:)

That's it for the prologue, hope you enjoyed! I just wanted to cover a small but of Taehyung's past but there is much much more to it...

Let me know what you thought!

Take care of yourselves, stay strong, be brave, you are beautiful, you can do it! Speak yourselves!<3

Take care of yourselves, stay strong, be brave, you are beautiful, you can do it! Speak yourselves!<3

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They are all babies<3<3

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They are all babies<3<3

Next chapter will be out soon!

I purple you!


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