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Ladies and gentleman of the Wattpad

I have lefteth you with anticipation for far too long

The comeback was very distracting and stressful but

Boy with Love is that song my peeps and the entire album slaps

BTS slaps

Ok, without further ado, Tattoo Boy

Oh! Wait! What was your favorite track off the Persona album?


"To the kitchen hyung! Jerry the melon is waiting for me, go, go, go!!"

At the adorable blonde's request, Hoseok ran off towards the kitchenette in the back of the tattoo parlor, the smaller male bouncing right along on his back, giggling.

"You're lucky you're cute, or I'd make you walk yourself" The black haired male responded, setting Taehyung down gently, and giving him a teasing glare once the two reached the desired destination. Taehyung beamed in response, mischief flickering through his iris'.

"Sure, let's pretend you wouldn't let Yoongi ride you too if he asked" Hoseok spluttered, caught off guard as Taehyung cackled in glee. The elder recovered quickly, however, as a sly smirk overtook his features.

"Oh? I guess I should just go get Jeon and tell him his baby was taking piggy back rides from someone other than himself?" Taehyung froze, his laughing ceasing as he glared at Hoseok, the older male's gaze matching his former teasing one as well. Taehyung swatted his sleeve.

"You big meanie!"

The two smiled at each other, Taehyung's smile for once reaching his eyes. He was happy. Happier than he had been in a long time.

It had been a week since his overwhelming anxiety attack. A week since he'd kissed Jungkook. Taehyung blushed. Even thinking about the kiss still gave him butterflies(not that it had been the only one since then). The two had yet to name anything official, but that was ok, Taehyung wasn't sure he was exactly ready to face the unknown emotions that came with liking Jungkook fully, and Jungkook was willing to wait, content with where they were.

Taehyung also hadn't had to face his father. When he had finally returned to his home after parting Jungkook the day after their kiss, he had been estactic to find an empty home waiting for him, his father having left on a business trip, taking Taehyung's anxiety with him.

In other words, Taehyung hadn't been home since he'd found out, much preferring to stay with Jungkook until his father returned tomorrow. Jungkook hadn't complained; he would give Taehyung anything to see his smile as bright and large as it had been in the last few days.

It was at that moment, that Jungkook himself rounded the corner into the small kitchenette, a smile on his face, and a pep in his step.

"Did I hear giggles?" The ravenette voiced as he made his way to Taehyung, looping his arms around the smaller's waist, back-hugging him, and landing a kiss on his cheek. Taehyung giggled again, his cheeks dusting pink. Jungkook rest his head on Taehyung's shoulder, looking to Hoseok who was currently trying to decide whether he should be cooing or turning away. He opted, however, for a third option, that same smirk back on his face.

"Yeah, you did, actually. Taehyung, why don't you tell Jungkookie the cause of those adorable giggles"

Jungkook quirked an eyebrow, peering down at Taehyung in his arms who had gone still while staring at Hoseok.

Tattoo Boy ||  j.jk + k.th ✓Where stories live. Discover now