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I feel bad :( 

Everyone was so happy at the end of the last chapter

And I'm gonna ruin that...

Cuz we aren't out of the woods yet 

We're only out of the bushes

(Ok I'm gonna stop now) 

Hope you enjoy the chapter! 

(But on a side note, I think you will like what happens in the future;)) 


Jungkook didn't think he had ever been as angry as he was currently. 

He'd never felt such an all consuming rage that soaked into his being, ever bone fiber, and thought wave in his brain. His ears were hot; he felt like steam could burst from them in any moment. He ears were ringing, his fist was curled tightly into a fist, he saw red, he smelled red, he even tasted red; the immensity of the emotional standpoint he'd taken was overwhelming and scary. Jungkook just didn't care. The only thing he wanted to do was go back into that parlor and beat the daylights out of Taehyung's so called "father". 

Oh. Taehyung. 

Jungkook was dragging the stumbling boy behind him, grip vice like on his wrist, and the level of anger wafting off him enough to keep Taehyung's mouth closed as he struggled to keep up, lost in a sort of daze and disbelief. He wasn't completely sure if what he had just seen was real life, and he couldn't decide if he wanted it to be either. 

The two were in the parking lot now, Jungkook making a beeline for his car intent on getting Taehyung as far away as he could from the vile man in the tattoo shop, currently holding his bleeding nose and wailing. Somewhere in his blinding rage, Jungkook had found a space to still put Taehyung first, to get him safe, then deal with his emotions, albeit barely and he was struggling. The ravanette couldn't help feel a tad upset, maybe even betrayed that Taehyung had hidden something so serious and dangerous from him. He could have helped him, gotten him out a lot sooner; if only he hadn't been so oblivious and Taehyung had been more open, was the thought process Jungkook found himself in, although he knew there was more behind the story than something as simple as that. 

When they finally reached Jungkook's car, the elder wrenched the door open harshly. 

"Get in." 

He spoke, voice rougher and harder than he meant it to be in the presence of the blonde who cowered slightly but Jungkook didn't notice, he had come to another conclusion in that exact moment. 

Namjoon had to have known about this. 

And he hadn't told him. 

Another round of uncontrollable rage surged through his being, all directed at himself, Taehyung's father, and the employees of the tattoo parlor. 

Taehyung hesitantly took a tender seat in the car, scared to do anything other than the requested, seeing the pitch black of Jungkook's eyes, his tense stance, and clenched fists. He looked so unlike the Jungkook Taehyung knew; wild, untamed, violent. The blond felt fearful of this side of Jungkook, worried it was him causing the elder to act this way. 

"J-" The car door was suddenly slammed closed, a warning glance shot to Taehyung telling him not to leave as Jungkook stalked back off in the direction they had come before Taehyung could get a full word out. The blonde gnawed on his bottom lip, nervously, thoroughly worried and confused. Jungkook had parked the car out of view of the front of the parlor, just around the corner, so Taehyung was unable to see what happened as Jungkook slipped around the corner, and too afraid to leave the car.

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