Smeraldo's Flower

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Don't you just lovvvvve time skips? 

Happy Birthday to me!! 

(This is my birthday present to myself and to you; publishing a new book!) 

*Slight depictions of tattooing in a poor way and domestic abuse


(7 years later) 

Taehyung walked briskly out of the back of the tattoo parlor, a fresh bandage wrapped tightly around his upper arm. It was almost 9:30, the store was about to open and it was his turn to run the counter; his least favorite job, he might add. He didn't like being overly social on any given day, he preferred to stay in the back, doodling or working on new sketches for clients, but Namjoon was stubborn and wouldn't let him. Taehyung pouted slightly just thinking about it, jutting out his bottom lip as he flipped on the open sign.

'RM's Tatto Parlor' in florescent purple  cursive lit up outside the glass window, casting a faint purple glow inside the dim interior of the parlor. Most people would say that the musky tattoo shop's dark interior was depressing and only a place where goths would go, but Taehyung, who mostly dressed in pastel sweatshirts and had bright blonde hair, found the tattoo shop oddly comforting. It felt more like home than his actual home. He loved every part of it; the sample sketches hung on every wall(most done by himself), the soft purple hue that always covered the room, and the constant whir of tattoo guns always resounding in the background, giving Taehyung a sense of tranquil peace. He felt safe at the tattoo parlor. 

Taehyung had just taken his stance behind the small counter, when the quiet click of the back door latching into place reached his ears. Taehyung's boss and life-long best friend, Namjoon, came striding into the front room holding a stack of Taehyung's most recent sketches. He gave Taehyung a small smile as he passed, moving to hang the new samples up. Taehyung returned the gesture with a bright box-shaped smile of his own. Namjoon faltered, a single brow quirking when he noticed the white gauze wrapped tightly around Taehyung's arm, before turning to resume his task.

"What'd you do this time?" Namjoon asked, not sparing Taehyung a second glance, an exasperated lilt present in his tone. The blond glanced down at his bandaged arm, grimacing slightly as the fresh tat stung. 

"Smeraldo's flower!" Taehyung chirped, briefly forgetting about the pain the new tattoo was causing him. Namjoon sighed before walking over to Taehyung and taking his arm in his hands. He carefully undid the bandage, cautious not touch it. 

Namjoon frowned. The intricate design was quite beautiful; the flower was placed in the middle of Taehyung's upper arm, blooming delicately as long tendrils flowed out from the bud, weaving together to create one beautiful picture. 

But he'd gone too deep. 


Fresh blood was still oozing languidly from the self-done tattoo, giving the flower an eery look, almost as if it was crying. Namjoon watched sadly, eyes following a bead of blood as it seeped through the dark lines and dripped down the blond's arm.

"Taehyung, you have to stop doing this to yourself." Namjoon said tiredly, only wanting the best for his friend. 

"I just pushed a little too hard, is all. I really didn't mean to, hyung." Taehyung lightly giggled at his hyung's worried nature. "It'll heal, and then it will be a beautiful addition to my collection! Don't you think, Namjoonie-hyung?" Taehyung's eyes plead sweetly with Namjoon. 

Namjoon knew Taehyung was lying. There was nothing accidental about the bleeding tat, but Namjoon was never one to win against puppy eyes, he folded immediately. He sighed again before ruffling Taehyung's scruffy hair. 

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