Tickle Bugs

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Dun Dun Dun Dunnn Dunnnnnnnn Dun 

I'm backkkkkkk 

lol I feel like I was gone for forever

Soooo I wanted to make an entrance

*Star wars theme song intensifies* 


"Aaah Jung-jungkook s-stop it" 

"Really? Are you sure? Because the sounds you're making say the opposite, baby" 

"Stoppp! It tickles!! I can-can't breathe" 

"Then take back the biker bunny comment" 

"N-never! Aah haha!" 

"Than forever fear the wrath of my tickle bugs!" 


Taehyung squealed loudly as Jungkook continued attacking his stomach, his slim fingers moving quickly and deliberately, all the while leaving a burning trail in their wake that both excited Taehyung and confused him. 

Following Taehyung's comment on Jungkook's cute factor, half a beat passed before Jungkook had tackled Taehyung to the bed tickling him mercilessly as the younger screamed and wriggled trying to free himself. It had taken Jungkook a mere 5 seconds to determine that the younger was extremely sensitive and ticklish, finding all his tickle spots and using them to his complete advantage. 

Their position was another matter, however. One that was far more questionable, at least according to Jin who had wandered down the hallway some 8 minutes ago to tell Taehyung his midnight snack was ready, only to find Jungkook squatting over Taehyung, the smaller boy in between his legs, squirming. 

Pictures were taken. 

The pair was just too submersed in each other to notice. 

"Come on! All you have to do is take it back and I'll stop" Jungkook said laughing right alongside the blonde, enjoying the view of such pure joy on his face, Taehyung smiling so wide and brightly due to Jungkook's doing. Taehyung struggled to catch his breath from all the screaming and laughing, choking out a response, still giggling. 

"A-alright, alright! I take it back! Ge-t off me!" 

"Take what back?" Jungkook asked slyly, milking the situation as long as he could. Taehyung, despite being at a loss for many comprehensive words managed to roll his eyes at the elder. 

"Y-you're not a-a biker bunny!" Taehyung shouted to the best of his ability in such a predicament, although not one he could say he hated. 

Satisfied, Jungkook ceased his tickle raid, climbing off Taehyung, only to spot a smirking Jin lounging against the wall in the corner. 

"Having fun?" He asked, chuckling as he turned on his heel to stalk down the hallway once more, leaving a blushing Jungkook and a breathless Taehyung. "-Oh and Taehyung! Your ramen is ready!" 

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