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Hello beauties :)

Welcome back!

Are you ready? Because it is time for the long-awaited trial

Slight disclaimer: I have some knowledge of how trials work and the procedures but some things have been stretched/made up to fit the narrative of this book :)

I hope you enjoy the chapter!

Oh and who's excited for BTS Break the Silence?


Taehyung's hands were shaking before they'd even gotten into the car.

His insides were churning with nerves, big swooping waves that crashed against his stomach, and made him queasy. A light band of sweat decorated his forehead and he brushed it away in annoyance, as he scrubbed furiously at his eyes, trying to wipe away the itching feeling.

Jungkook intercepted him before his movements could become too panicked, placing one hand firmly and comfortingly against Taehyung's shoulder as the other gathered his wrist, bringing it to his lips where he placed a single, warm kiss. He waited patiently for Taehyung to calm down, not saying anything, simply kneading at his tense muscles. Taehyung sighed after a moment, brushing over Jungkook's hand.

"Are you alright? We could always ask the judge to delay the trial another few days, considering the amount of stress the whole thing could cause and the fact that it's only been three days since the whole prison extravaganza." The ravenette chuckled lightly but it didn't dim the worry in his tone.

Taehyung shook his head. "I'm tired of letting fear control me. If I push it back now, I'll continue to avoid it. I want this over with." His voice was firm but it shook almost imperceptibly at the edges.

Jungkook offered a tiny smile, moving his hand up to caress Taehyung's cheek lightly. Behind them, Jin called out to Namjoon and Yoongi, standing next to his car. The couple stood farther up the sidewalk, besides Jungkook's own car, slightly separated from the rest of the pack, where their words were only shared between the two of them.

"If at any time, you change your mind, want to leave or stop, don't hesitate to tell me. We'll go. Wherever you want, I'll take you there. Don't push yourself too hard today. You tell me if you can't handle it. Promise?" Jungkook's tone was gentle, soothing. Taehyung smiled.

"I promise and I won't. I can do this, Jungkook. I need, no, want to do this." The blue-haired male spoke sincerely, mustering up his courage while simultaneously burying what fear rested in the pit of his stomach. Jungkook hummed, kissing knuckles individually, seeming unable to separate himself.

"I know." He kissed Taehyung's cheek. "I'm proud of you." He kissed his lips, slow and soft, ever comforting, before pulling back to rest their foreheads together.

"So proud."


The judge was a thin man in his early fifties with a long thin nose and beady eyes that seemed to scrutinize every occupant of the courtroom. There were deep lines cut into his face, ones that spoke of years of stress and exhaustion, nearly permanent frown lines, and his posture on the Bench was tense, his shoulders thrown wide and back, arching towards his ears.

He ran a hand through his stock white hair, eyes raking over Taehyung, sitting neatly next to his lawyer, then over to his father adjacent to him, slouched but dressed to a tee in his most expensive suit, reeking power.

"Right." The judge began, in a booming voice that garnered the attention of all in the room, immediately. "We are here today for the case of Kim Taehyung vs Kim Hosung, on the charges of domestic abuse and attempted persuasion of city cops. The defendant has already plead 'not guilty' during the hearing and no settlement has been made so we will proceed with the testimonies. I'd like to hear from the plaintiff first."

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