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Hello beauties<3

I hope you all are staying safe and healthy!

I have cuteness today!!(things go down laterrrr) 

Don't worry-Tae gets out of jail, he's fine, peachy, dandy(other pronouns for good)

Guys I'm bored and stuck at home and wanna do a Q/A of some sort cuz I like those lol so if you have any questions for me(if you're not interested, that's completely fine!:)) but if you do have a question, just pop it rightttttt there -> 



Jungkook scrunched his nose up as the musty, dingy smell of the prison hallway hit his nose. He and Yoongi were standing in a dimly lit corridor, walking silently behind a tall, broad guard. The only noise was the sound of their shoes slapping on the concrete floor and the metal jingle of the guard's keys on the baton secured tightly to his waistband. The warden huffed out an annoyed curse as an inmate hollered at the trio from behind the thick metal bars of his cell. Jungkook shied away from the sudden loud noise, trying desperately to push down the fear gripping his insides at the thought of Taehyung being locked up in here.

Their escort, catching his eye, laughed slightly. "Don't worry about your little blue-haired friend. I hear he's quite popular around here."

Yoongi snorted. "Of course he is." He mumbled under his breath. Jungkook attempted to smile at that, reassured slightly by the guard's words but he was sure it came out as more of a grimace if the hand Yoongi braced on his shoulder was anything to go by.

"They've got him in minimum detention, Chief didn't think he'd could hurt a fly if he wanted to. Be thankful, the cells down here are much better than the high security inmates." The guard continued, not missing a beat as he took an abrupt right, and pushed open a heavy brass door. "After we pick little blue up, you all will just have to sign the release papers and you're free to go. No biggie, no hassle. Easy." The large man chirped, swinging his keys merrily.

"All the charges have been dropped right? He's not going to have to come back at any time?" Yoongi asked, mint hair shining almost like a beacon in the darkly lit space.

"Yes siree. Once you reported the boy lived on the property and had part ownership by means of inheritance, the Chief saw no reason vandalism of private property was a viable claim. 'Call it a unique paint job' he said. Laughed about it for 30 minutes, he did. I'm tellin' ya, that kid's got a way with people" The guard rumbled in a thick slang, Jungkook wondered if he worked oversees before being relocated.

As the trio turned a final corner, Jungkook perked up as the sound of raucous laughter filled his ears. Their escort began to tap a cheerful rhythm on the passing cell bars before eventually settling on the last one, tucked neatly into the corner.

"And then! And then Kookie goes, 'Hyung! Asking 5 times, is 5 times too many and I swear if I have to see your naked behind running around again, I'm going to find an actual snake and tape it to your ass!'"

The remark was followed up by more rambunctious laughing, the group inside the small cell completely oblivious to their audience standing bewildered just outside.

Taehyung was there, just as the guard had said, peachy and squeaky clean. His blue hair and light purple pastel sweater contrast greatly with the hardened features, muscular bodied, black clothed buddies. Taehyung was draped over the one nearest to him, a bulky bald man with muscles the size of Taehyung's thigh. His face, however, in the moment, resembled an ecstatic baby, face lit up in a brilliant laugh as both he and Taehyung wiped tears from their eyes. It was the picture of fun, only lightly tinted at the edges by danger, Jungkook found it oddly fitting for a situation that involved Taehyung. Beside him, Yoongi muttered.

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