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The ride to Jungkook's secret destination was quiet. There was a fairly comfortable silence between the two but there was an edge of tenseness present as well. Taehyung was worrying his bottom lip fiercely between his teeth; he didn't exactly know how he was supposed to act, though Jungkook had little to do with that. On this day for the past 10 years, he had lived with a designated enforced system of torture operated by his manic father and now Jungkook had throw a pebble in the filter, all the while opening the dam of Taehyung's grief he'd been forced to bottle. Taehyung wasn't sure if he should cry, or yell, or scream, or sit silent and wallow. Should he smile and be overjoyed at the prospect of getting another free night away from his father, particularly on the worst night of the year? The blonde felt confused with himself and mix of emotions along with the older male sitting directly next to him. Jungkook was right there, a hands length away, but Taehyung was hesitant to touch him, despite their lasting embrace in his room a few minutes prior. Taehyung had hurt Jungkook, yet here the ravenette was, asking forgiveness and the chance to make things right. Jungkook added to the swirl of anticipation, nervous bundles, fear, joy, and grief churning in the pit of his stomach.

They were sharing glances with one another. Somewhere in the last 30 minutes of aimless driving that tension had snapped and each male had resounded to their desire to feel one another after their absence. Taehyung and Jungkook depended so much on one another, the short, agonizing distance between them was suffocating. Taehyung wanted the familiarity Jungkook's comfort could bring; the sense of home and security, while Jungkook merely wanted his own assurance Taehyung was in fact safe.

Preferably in his arms.

Sneaking another, slightly prolonged glance at Taehyung, Jungkook sighed to himself. The blonde was biting his bottom lip to the point it was starting to tinge red. The ravenette, himself, was starting to lose patience in this awkward atmosphere around them. He had to say something. Jungkook cleared his throat awkwardly, successfully garnering Taehyung's attention. Unfortunately, under his intense gaze Jungkook's brain seemed to short-circuit. He was caught for a moment in the light brown eyes before shaking his head and uttering the first phrase that came to mind.

"...Did you know there are rabbits on the moon?"

Taehyung blinked at him, brows furrowing slightly as Jungkook's cheeks shaded a pretty rose color, not believing that out of all the things he could have said he went with rabbits...on the freaking moon. The ravanette barely held himself back from face palming. But unfortunately for him, his mouth was working on its own.

"Well, not a bunch of rabbits, just one rabbit. He hops around like there's no tomorrow mixing the ingredients needed for rice cakes, but he never eats the rice cakes. Doesn't like them. He magically transports the ingredients down to earth every night. But for himself, apparently he eats carrots. But a specific type of carrots...moon carrots, if you will, and they-" Jungkook was cut off by a sound he felt like he hadn't heard in 50 years causing him to stop and halt, immediately turning to face the blonde again.

Taehyung was laughing.

It was a light, airy sound accompanied by the biggest smile Jungkook had seen Taehyung pull in a long time; fully reaching his eyes and boxy in shape. Jungkook felt his own lips pull taunt into a bright smile as he watched Taehyung clutch at his stomach from the giggles bursting past his lips. Jungkook started chuckling alongside him, fully taking in just the randomness of his rant. After a moment, the two were hardly able to breath due to their cackles, as any and all awkwardness or tension that had surrounded them was overpowered by their joyous moment.

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