Taejin Nation

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Wink Wonk

Hola mi amigas/amigos!

Bonjour mon amis!

Annyeong chingudeul!!!

Helloooo Friends!!

I'm hyper, can you tell?


Jungkook lived in an apartment complex only a couple blocks from the tattoo parlor, a mere distance of only about 15-20 minutes, meaning that he could walk it if he wanted or needed to, sometimes he did just for fun. Today, however, he was glad he took his car.

Not that he would have complained about carrying Taehyung the short distance to his apartment, in fact he was deliberately taking his sweet time in reaching his floor, savoring the feeling of Taehyung in his arms, but he imagined walking home with an unconscious boy in his arms would not present the best image. Disappointing really.

The elevator dinged as Jungkook arrived on the fourth floor, letting out a small sigh as he stepped out of the sliding doors. Glancing down at the still sleeping boy, he smiled. Taehyung fit so perfectly in his arms, if only he could hold him like this all the time. Maybe someday he could, but for now, his main priority was getting Taehyung inside, and in bed.

Jungkook didn't know what he was supposed to say to the younger when he awoke. Should he bring up the tattoo on his wrist? Question him about what had caused his episode only an hour ago? Or just let him be? These thoughts were continuously swirling around his head making it difficult for Jungkook to focus on anything other than the petite blonde. Although truth be told, he hadn't exactly thought of anything other than Taehyung since he'd met him, but that wasn't important at the moment.

Shifting Taehyung slightly to the right so he could pull his keys out of his pocket, the smaller mumbled quietly, reaching up to twist the material of Jungkook's shirt in his hands, even in sleep obtaining a vice like grip.

"Kookshie protect TaeTae. He protec, he attac, he a snamsljf" Whatever Taehyung was going to say got cut off as he buried himself further into Jungkook's chest, still mumbling cute nothings to himself as he dreamt, hopefully good dreams. Jungkook let out a chuckle at the adorableness of the blonde.

Jungkook's apartment was simple. A one bedroom, one bathroom condo, with a small kitchen and living space and only one additional room being his room. The most luxurious accommodation to his home being the small balcony on the far left wall, overlooking Seoul and some neighborhoods. Jungkook would sit out there, countless nights snapping pictures of the stars or doodling the scenery. He found it calming. Maybe Taehyung will too he found his thoughts drifting off to as he surveyed his apartment, heading in the direction of his bedroom.

Pulling back the covers, Jungkook gently placed Taehyung down on the mattress, managing to pry his hands off of his shirt long enough for him to pull the covers back up so that they were swallowing his small form. Remembering that Taehyung had once mentioned he needed to hug something in order to sleep well, Jungkook laid his spare pillow next to Taehyung's arms in case he needed it. He turned to leave, planning on showering and calling Namjoon to tell him he'd gotten Taehyung back to his place safely when he heard a small whimper emit from Taehyung's parted lips.

"What is it angel?" He whispered to the half-conscious boy who was unwilling to open his eyes. Weakly, Taehyung flopped one arm on the space behind him.

"Haven't slept well. Kookie keeps nightmares away." He muttered softly. Jungkook cracked a full smile. Taehyung resembled that of a toddler and he found it absolutely adorable. He liked feeling depended on for once, it was usually always him being dependent on his hyungs to do things. Not saying anything else, Jungkook lay in the bed next to Taehyung, keeping a fair amount of distance from him, not sure where the other boy lay on boundaries in bed.

Tattoo Boy ||  j.jk + k.th ✓Where stories live. Discover now