Muscle Pig, Muscle Couch?

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SO, in the last chapter, Bambino, in this context means 'baby brother' 

No, there will not be Yoonseok but there will be Yoonmin 

I'm still tired. 

And my laptop is broken...

*I understand that some hand signals may be offensive in certain cultures, so if this bugs you or is offensive, so I sincerely apologize in advance and did not mean it in any derogatory way:)*


"As long as it takes for you to bring that plump ass of yours over here to my lap, beautiful..." 

Taehyung's mouth dropped open, flushing as his cheeks turned a brilliant red. He stared incredulously at Jungkook's smirking face. Taehyung's feet were rooted in place, his mind a buzz with various scenarios. 

Jungkook quirked one eyebrow when Taehyung's eyes widened at his request. His full pink lips fell open, and Jungkook felt an odd swirling in his stomach at the boy's cute reaction. Jungkook beckoned him forward with one finger, eyebrow still popped and eyes boring a mischievous glint. He decided he liked seeing Taehyung flustered. 

Taehyung, not knowing what else to do, shuffled slowly closer to the awaiting male. He stopped a few feet from Jungkook's position on the couch, shyly playing with the extra fabric of his sweatshirt and avoiding the piercing gaze of the raven head. Taking the initiative, Jungkook grabbed one of Taehyung's delicately perfect hands into his own and tugged on it. 


Taehyung stumbled forward, as his feet tangled with one another. He squeezed his eyes closed, waiting for the impact on the hard, wooden floor. Thankfully he landed on the padded surface of the worn couch. He squirmed; the couch felt sturdier than  usual, like it had more bulk. He cracked one eye open, the rest of his face still scrunched up in an anticipation. 

He squeaked when he was met with Jungkook's obsidian eyes, a mere inches from his own. Unlike before, when Jungkook's gaze held a peculiar playfulness, they were now dark and sharp, pulling Taehyung inside of them and swallowing him. He felt small in the face of the intense stare, but as he continued to view in awe, he found, he didn't care. 

"Careful, baby." Jungkook grit his teeth, speaking lowly. "You keep moving around like that and you'll wake up Jr." He growled and Taehyung stilled immediately, the rose color once again returning to his cheeks, this time tinting the tips of his ears pink as well. Taehyung hesitantly directed his gaze downwards. 

Oh. Jungkook's lap. 

That's why the couch felt so muscular. 

Taehyung was seated on Jungkook's lap, facing him, while Jungkook's hands found their way to his hips, holding him in place. They were close, close enough that they were exchanging warm breaths with one another and Taehyung could see the glint in Jungkook's onyx eyes. He looked away embarrassed. 

Jungkook placed two long fingers under his chin, and directed his gaze back to its previous position, amused. Taehyung gulped. There was a ball of heat pooling in his stomach as butterflies fluttered anxiously. He spluttered, no words actually making their way out of his mouth. Jungkook chuckled. 

"Do you have a name, cutie? Or am I going to keep having to call you baby?" That playfulness was back, but Jungkook's voice was low, silky. It was driving Taehyung crazy. 

"T-t-taehyung. Kim Taehyung" He stuttered quietly, wishing to return to the safety of his counter. Jungkook was holding his waist tightly however, keeping him from doing so. 

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