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I have like nothing to say

But it's kinda my thing to write something here, ya know:)


'Jimin. You got no jams'


"Come on, hyung! I want it right on my ass-cheeks!"

"Hoseok. For fucks sake, I am not putting a damn tattoo on your ass."

The high-pitched, enthusiastic cry of Hoseok, followed by the gruffly annoyed voice of Yoongi sounded from the back of the shop, making the tips of Taehyung's lips curl into a half smile. He winced slightly as the bruise on his right jaw, hidden by concealer, was pulled at the action.

He'd done as Namjoon asked, and not given himself another tattoo that morning, but his fingers were itching to do so. To draw an intricately well-thought out design on some part of him, to hear the buzz of the tattoo gun as it cut into his delicate skin, and the warmth of fresh blood streaming down his arm like a river; euphoria. He wanted to distract himself, to make the pain in his sore body go away with a new, different type of pain; this one addicting and permanent.

Taehyung was on counter duty again. Namjoon was really out to get him. He'd gotten to the tattoo shop first, as always, turned on the neon sign, and set to work, drawing behind the counter and waiting for his hyungs to show up. Namjoon came first, giving the blonde a quick good morning before disappearing into his office to finish up some paperwork. Hoseok came next, buzzing with excitement and smiling brightly at Taehyung, lighting up his morning, just the barest. Hoseok had kept Taehyung company for a good while before Yoongi appeared, and then Hoseok was off to the back room, intercepting Yoongi and dragging him into one of the back rooms, to get his tattoo. Taehyung had been listening to them banter back and forth for the last hour.

It was nearing lunch time, when Namjoon emerged from the back room, pulling his arms through the sleeves of his coat.

"Taehyung. I'm going out for a bit, got a meeting. Don't let Yoongi fall asleep. I'll be back in about 2 hours."

"Ok hyungie! Have fun!" Taehyung chirped as Namjoon exited out the backdoor, leaving him once again to his lonesome. He didn't mind, however. The tattoo shop was comfort enough for him. Taehyung thought he would pass the time by working on more sketches, perhaps his own next addition.


Taehyung was still doodling, when the bell above the door rung, signaling that a customer had just entered the shop. He perked up and slowly lifted his head to peer at the newcomer, placing a fake smile onto his lips.

Taehyung's mouth dropped open as he eyed the man from head to toe, shamelessly taking in every detail. 

He was wearing simple clothes; black ripped jeans, and oversized black shirt, and a black beanie; there seemed to be a common theme. Even in such a plain attire, however, the clothing looked fantastic. The beanie fit over his tousled black hair perfectly. His jeans hugged his thighs in a way that left nothing to the imagination, and his shirt, although loose, didn't stop his bulging muscles from popping up underneath the fabric. Taehyung was practically drooling, and thanked God that the man hadn't noticed him yet, seeing as he was typing furiously away at his phone. His arms were covered in beautifully designed tattoos, each curling swiftly across his tan arms, that made the black ink that much more prominent. Taehyung felt his gaze running over each individually, drinking in their sophistication and trying to decipher the stranger just based off his markings. There were more tattoos under his shirt too; Taehyung could see them, dipping under the collar of his shirt, as well as painting his neck. Taehyung couldn't get enough of the handsome stranger.

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