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I just started school and I'm mentally already done!

I'm off to a great start!

How was your first day of school?/How is school in general?(or if you aren't in school, How are you in general?)

Enjoy the chapter!



"Are you sure you'll be ok? You could just come home with me. Give me a little peace of mind"

The car was warm, comforting, surrounded in a tender air wafting from the two men who sat staring dismally at the small rundown house in front of them. Their hands were clasped in the middle of the console. Jungkook was looking at Taehyung, gaze soft as he admired the blond's features as if it were the last time he would see him. He rubbed over his knuckles absently. Taehyung turned to Jungkook as he finished speaking, love shining in his chocolate brown eyes as he offered a small smile, diminishing the subtle hint of fear that was present as well.

"One week. Then I'm all yours" The blond smiled wider and Jungkook returned the gesture but his lips were taunt. Taehyung had failed to reassure him of his own safety.

"Taehyung" He could hear the desperation in his voice. He really didn't like this and Jungkook's entire being was screaming at him to just drive away, make sure Taehyung never had to enter that house again. But as much as he wanted to deny it, Taehyung was right. If they wanted this to be over, Taehyung had to go. Taehyung pressed one warm palm to Jungkook's cheek.

"I know. But I have to. We're out of options." Jungkook's hand found its way to where Taehyung's was lightly brushing across his cheekbones, covering it.

"You're going to get hurt." Taehyung smiled sadly again, but even that could not falter the resurrected glimmer of hope that had risen as well.

"And I'll have you to patch me up every time. It's just one more week. How much worse could he get?" The blond was trying to joke, Jungkook was sure as Taehyung's voice turned airier and somewhere he knew there was truth in the blond's statement, but it did little to none to ease the anxiousness roiling in the pit of his stomach. He'd already hit his father twice, Jungkook was sure he could get worse but he did not mention it.

"Promise me you'll call if it gets to be too much" The older stared into Taehyung's eyes with a ferocity, to which the blond offered a tiny nod, satisfying Jungkook for now, but he imagined he would be re-hashing that throughout the majority of the week.

"I will. Now" Taehyung squeezed Jungkook's hand, giving him a lopsided smile. He was trying to be brave, Jungkook could tell. "Walk me to the door?" Jungkook let his smile slip, his cute boyfriend being too much for him to contain his adoration.

The two exited the car in sync, immediately basked in the evening light and murky hew of street lamps. They met in the middle and rejoined hands. Both were trembling slightly. Everything seemed so much more real, the closer they got to the looming front door. It was like walking towards their future, sealed behind a door, and what lay on the other side completely dependent on wether or not they were successful in this week. Jungkook turned to face Taehyung when they stood in front of it. Taking his other hand as well.

"I love you" The ravanette uttered sincerely, lowering his head to press his lips against Taehyung's. Nothing but a sweet loving kiss and good luck charm. Taehyung gave a happy hum as he melted into the kiss, moving closer to wrap his arms around Jungkook in a hug.

Tattoo Boy ||  j.jk + k.th ✓Where stories live. Discover now