Depend on Me

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Adorable humans

I've told you how much you make me smile right? 

Well, it I haven't, you make me smile everyday and I thank you for it 

That said...

This is going to be an angsty chapter 

I'll probably be crying with you....


Jungkook had gone home. 

That was what Namjoon told Taehyung as he was racing blindly through the murky dark streets, salty tears still streaming down his face no matter how hard he tried to brush them away. 

He was trying to beat Taehyung back to the parlor; he thought he had seen the hoodie Taehyung was after lodged under his bed and had wanted to surprise the blonde. 

However, when he returned, instead of Taehyung's brightly smiling face, Jungkook had been given an ashen skinned and grim Namjoon, anxiously sitting on the couch and wringing his fingers together in the darkened and empty tattoo parlor. He'd told Jungkook to go. A moment of alarm had flashed through his eyes when he saw Jungkook back at the parlor, hoodie in hand, but had covered it smoothly before the ravanette could question it. Namjoon appeared to be expecting someone but he had told Jungkook  that Taehyung was fine and that his father had come home early. 

Akin to his own, Namjoon expected Taehyung to be racing back to the parlor, ready to throw himself at Namjoon, as he had done so many times in the past, and Namjoon was ready to patch him up.  Taehyung didn't want Jungkook to know about his familial situation, so Namjoon had to send the ravanette home. Perhaps that was a bad idea because

He had not expected Taehyung to go to Jungkook's

The older blonde had yet to come to the conclusion or knowledge of how much the two depended on each other, or that someone else was filling his shoes of protector.  Not that Namjoon was against Jungkook, he loved the kid, but it was such a second nature to him, taking care of Taehyung, that he had a hard time grasping the fact Taehyung found better comfort in Jungkook. 

But Taehyung had been clear on the phone call, it was not Namjoon he was craving and there was only one person who would be able to aid the blonde... 

(phone convo - bold = Namjoon, italics=Taehyung and regular is back to dialogue:))


"Tae? Is everything ok?" 

Namjoon while happy at first to hear the blonde's voice, the unmistakably resonance of pain and sorrow was ever present in his typically cheery voice, immediately setting Namjoon on edge as he sat forward. He positioned himself on the edge of the sofa, knocking Jin's head off his shoulder as he went. The brunette sent him a curious glance but didn't question him, sensing the suffocating unease and anticipation wafting off the younger. 

There was no response on the other end of the line for a moment as Namjoon came to the painful conclusion Taehyung was running; his labored breath was coming across the receiver and the rushing of wind was beginning to drown the blonde out. A slight crackle of thunder rang across the phone; rain and more stuttered breaths of Taehyung, seeming to grow more frantic by the minute. Namjoon could practically feel the blood drain from his face, worry overtaking his body completely. 

"Taehyung? Taehyung, sweetie, I need you to answer me. Where are you? Are you headed back to the shop?" 

Namjoon tried to keep his voice calm, even. If any semblance of Namjoon's worry got across to Taehyung, it would suck the blonde into guilt laden memories, often times making him unresponsive. Namjoon couldn't risk that while Taehyung was wandering the streets alone late into the night. There was a whimper on the other side of the phone, Taehyung seeming to have stopped for a moment to survey his surroundings. 

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