Secret's Out

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I'm hyper and my foot is still injured so I can't skip around my house :(

If I started writing AUs on my Twitter, would you all be interested in reading?

I hope you enjoy the chapter!!!! <3

Taehyung sighed contently, lost to dreamland, the plush comforter of the infirmary bed specifically bought for Taehyung in times of severe injury was cradling his body and made him feel like he was floating. He realized vaguely he'd been brought to the tattoo parlor where the more serious medical equipment was.

As rare as it was for Taehyung to have anything other than nightmares, the blond relished in any happy dream he was presented with, and this had to be one of the best to date.

It was a world in which his father didn't exist, he'd been cast out of the picture the minute a hand had been raised to his son, and his mother was still alive and well, as caring and lively as ever. They were having a picnic, like they always used to in the Spring.

Jungkook was there too; lounging with Taehyung under the afternoon sun, the blonde leaning his back against the elder as his mother cooed at their adorableness.

Taehyung hummed in his sleep, rolling over to his side when he grimaced and was shook from the grip of rem sleep. Groggily, Taehyung peeled his eyes open, met with a dull throbbing pain resonating in his stomach. He groaned, the memories of the night prior rushing back to him and his sudden movement awakening the pain inflicted on him. Like many, the beating was fuzzy, muddled with his other memories of that day, the only crystal clear remembrance being Yoona's heel; the sharp stab being too painful to be forgotten.

Taehyung squeezed his eyes shut, carefully folding his body into a position that was least painful for him; now that he had become aware of the pain, it was difficult to become unaware, but Taehyung was unwilling and not ready to face the trauma of the night before and wanted nothing more than to float back to his peaceful dream with his mother and Jungkook. So, he took a single deep breath, filling his mind with happy thoughts and a fleeting wish for the ravanette to be beside him in that moment, regardless of discovering his home situation or not.


"You called him?!"

Namjoon's brash and slightly angered voice rang through the silenced room. The other occupants looked up, all eyes falling on Yoongi's form sitting on the couch, eyes red-rimmed and underlined in a deep black and head in his hands.

"He needed to know. Tae isn't going to want anyone else" Yoongi answered tiredly, voice evidently run dry and emotional, conveying every emotion he felt, contrary to his usual masking personality at Taehyung's expense. The others; Jimin, Hoseok, and Namjoon shared silent looks with one another.

"He's so impulsive. He won't be able to stop himself" Namjoon spoke, eyebrows furrowed in thought at the situation.

"What are you going to do when he gets himself and Tae hurt in the process?"

"He won't. I'm doing what is best for Taehyung. Jungkook needs to be here." Yoongi's voice hardened by the end of his sentence, enunciating the importance of the ravanette's presence.

"You give him so much doubt, Joon. Never once have you stopped to look at the bigger picture. Jungkook wouldn't ever do something that would put Tae in harms-way. They need each other and this is no exception. I can't help it if you are too blind by your protectiveness over Tae, but Jungkook isn't bad for Taehyung, not in the least"

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