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Army, Stay, Atiny, NCTzen, MooMoo, Moa, Choice, and My Day

[Update July 2021: just my mains - I'm a casual listener of many many more :)]
Deobi, Stay, Atiny, Army, Moa, Aghase, MonBebe, ToMoon, Blink, Midzy, Engene, NCTzen, MooMoo, MyDay, Choice, Carat

Are you a multi-stan?

If so, which fandoms are you apart of?

And are there any that I should 110% check out?


"Tae, I don't know about this"

The raven haired male sat, hand trembling as he held the tattoo gun poised over the exposed thigh of a pretty male with black hair. The smell of disinfectant was filling Jungkook's nostrils, making him slightly dizzy as he tried to rid himself of the nervousness filling his body. Going from oranges to actual human flesh was a big deal and Jungkook did not want to mess his first tattoo up. He felt unprepared.

"Just relax. You're ready. You've been ready. I'm right here, you're not going to mess up" Then again, there was Taehyung, standing just behind his right shoulder, lowly muttering encouraging words in his ear that made him both calm down and want to jump the smaller boy right then and there. Taehyung reached out and placed his smaller palm over Jungkook's shaking white knuckled hand, steadying it, as he had done, the first time Jungkook had ever held a tattoo gun. He felt relief instantly wash through him, pushing the anxiety to the side like a wave of positive energy.

He could do this.

The needle inched closer to the tanned upper leg of the other male who was watching the two closely, his gaze flickering to Taehyung, stopping briefly to stare at his inexplainable beauty then flitting down to Jungkook and his moist brow and quaking hand. The man's own heartbeat picked up as his brows furrowed.

"Hold up. Has this guy ever tattooed someone before" The customer spoke up, his deep voice gruff and slightly raspy. Taehyung took his attention off Jungkook for the first time since the man had entered his station, staring at his directly, although his hand never strayed from Jungkook's own.

"No." He stated bluntly, returning to trying to boost Jungkook's confidence who took a deep breath and continued to push the tattoo gun closer to the exposed skin. The black headed male jumped back right before the needle could touch his unmarked skin.

"Are you crazy! Do you think I'm letting an inexperienced guy give me a tattoo? Give me somebody else!" He screeched, holding his leg against his body as a form of protection. Taehyung's gaze darkened, an unknown protective feeling taking over his insides stemming from some connection to Jungkook Taehyung was not quite ready to identify. His hand tightened around Jungkook's as he faced the man, who went by the name of Gikwang, once more.

"Sit back down!" Taehyung hissed, his low voice frightening the man and throwing him off hearing a longer sentence, seeing as that voice did not match his small, adorable face in the least. "He's not going to learn if you chicken out, mister."

Taehyung huffed crossing his arms over his chest once he had finished. Gikwang hesitantly lowered himself back into the recliner chair, glimpsing at Jungkook who was in the midst of pretending nothing had happened.

Taehyung certainly hadn't just gone all protective, supportive boyfriend on him...of course not...

Jungkook's insides were a mess of fluttery butterfly wings.

"...Just the small rose right?" Jungkook questioned, trying to ignore the rupture of happiness exploding inside himself to finish his job. Gikwang nodded, still staring at Taehyung wondering how such a beautiful innocent looking boy could suddenly scare the crap out of him. What was worse, is that he did it mostly politely.

Tattoo Boy ||  j.jk + k.th ✓Where stories live. Discover now