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Hello cutie patooties,

I am hyper rn and currently writing from my grave

The cause:


Hope you enjoy the chapter!!!


Jungkook had to turn away.

The second strike Taehyung had received with braised, ringed knuckles had cut into the skin directly next to his left eye, drawing blood. Jungkook had watched, reaching a point of inability to witness, the small droplets of crimson had seemed to drip right into the ravanette seeing as his vision was slowly overrun in a hazy red; anger fueled by Taehyung's pain.

Fuck rational thinking.

This was Taehyung.

Knocking on the door suddenly didn't seem like such a bad idea. Anything to get Taehyung away from the deranged man he called "father". Thankfully, Hosung was swaying, feet tripping over one another as he advanced on a cowering Taehyung, barely able to hold himself upright. Perhaps Jungkook would have the upper hand. 

Jungkook's nails were digging harshly into the skin of his palms as he stood in front of Taehyung's door, one hand poised over the paint-cracked wood, lightly trembling. There was doubt poking at him, somewhere lodged in the depths of his mind, but it had been buried so far underneath his toppled mountain of contained anger that ignorance towards the hesitance was easily achieved. The male could care less about his own safety, and every second longer he did nothing, the longer Taehyung had to go through such torture. 

The sudden cutting silence was unnerving to Jungkook and he stood for a moment trying to determine what had changed. His knuckle was pressed sharply against the door, he noticed, eyebrows furrowing, unsure of when he had knocked on the front door. The tv had been shut off, he finally determined, leaving the entire scene in a pin-drop silence clouded by anticipation and the simple soundtrack of Jungkook's erratically beating heart against his rib cage. 

Jungkook could suddenly hear lumbering footsteps of feet approaching the doorway, too heavy and lopsided to belong to the blonde. The ravanette's insides twisted as he frantically gave the door a once over, attempting to pull an actual good plan of action from the confines of his miffed thoughts. 

He watched the golden doorknob diligently, gaining the will to continue with this from the image of an injured Taehyung only just behind the door. He was waiting. 


Jungkook smiled. A sudden satisfaction flowing through him, knowing that a small portion of the pain Hosung caused Taehyung was about to be repaid. 

As the door began to inch forward slowly, the occupant on the other side struggling in their drunken state to obtain a proper hold, Jungkook latched onto the cold knob in an iron grip, thrusting his entire weight against the frame, and pushing with a great strength back. 

The door opened inward. 

The wood blew harshly against its hinges into the interior of the home. Right where Taehyung's father had been resting his head in an attempt to stay upright, after one too many a beer made basic functionality a struggle. 

The man fell back immediately, bracing the floor in a loud thump, body bouncing back up slightly from the force of the fall, before settling once more. Jungkook shoved the door open farther, once convinced the older male was not going to rise. A smug smirk graced his cherry lips as he delivered a kick to the male's side. The elder was out cold, both from alcohol consumption and the hit to the head. 

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