Painful Memories

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What's a girl supposed to do at 3 am?

Probably sleep

But who even is that? Idk

And why do that when I can write anyways???


"Ow! Ow! Not so hard! It hurts!"

Jimin turned bright red from annoyance as he turned to shoot a glare back at Yoongi. The two were secluded to Yoongi's station across from Taehyung's in the far back. Jimin, after a good 10 minutes of resentment, had finally given in, and allowed Yoongi to give him a tattoo. He'd been confident, ready. That is, until he felt the prick of the needle against his skin. He'd recoiled, immediately, squeezing his eyes shut against the pain and giving a small yelp.

"You know, typically when getting a tattoo, you're not supposed to move away like that."

"Shut up, minty"

Yoongi scoffed at the nickname, before settling back in his chair, crossing his arms over his chest and peering down at the pink haired boy. With his knees pulled up to his chest and his arms wrapped around them as he glared at the tattoo gun, Yoongi couldn't help but offer a tiny smile. Jimin looked too cute not to.

Jimin was shirtless, his toned 6 pack abs on full display, his shirt and jacket discarded on the floor nearby. The tattoo he'd asked Yoongi to give was a Chinese metaphor, Huāyàng niánhuá, which was to run down his ribs in a cluster, ending below the waistline of his pants, and fading to a faint black as it traveled. But him not knowing much about the art of tattoos and blatantly refusing to listen to Yoongi's advice, Jimin had chosen his ribs as the location, also known as, one of the most painful places to have a tattoo done. A fact that made Yoongi want to both smack his head with his palm and smile at Jimin's childishness, contrary to his tattoos.

"You're going to have to let me do it, I've already put the template on and started the tattoo. You'll have to come over here eventually." Yoongi gave Jimin a knowing glance , who gave him another glare, although this one was lessened in ferocity. He ever so slowly inched closer to Yoongi, unwrapping himself from his legs. His eyes were downcast and there was a fragile, timid aura overtaking him, giving Yoongi a glimpse into his true personality. He sighed.

This kid - such a softie

Looking at Jimin, watching as his frightened eyes passed over the tattoo gun and his facade crumbled, Yoongi felt an odd tugging at his heart. Sighing again, he finally spoke.

"If I promise to be gentle, will you relax and lay back down?" Jimin did as he was told, nodding, but the fear never left his iris' The tug on Yoongi's heart grew stronger. He leaned in close to Jimin's ear.

"If you need me to stop, just say so." A pause and a questioning of all his life choices later, he added "-if you need to hold my hand during, just ask."


"You really have a golden bunny tattoo?"

"Yep. It's a great story really, I'll have to tell you sometime. Long story short, my Jin-hyung dared me to do it, some 3 years ago when he was drunk. Me also being drunk, did it." Jungkook chuckled as he lounged further back into the reclining chair, peering down at Taehyung who looked like he was ready to rip Jungkook's shirt off just to get a peak at his tattoos.

Having long abandoned the separate chairs, the two were now comfortably seated on the main chair in the center of the room, each on their backs looking up to the ceiling. The reclining chair was small so, naturally, Taehyung had to lay on Jungkook's arm and halfway on his stomach in order to fit, but neither of them cared. Taehyung was content. So damn well content for once in his life that he didn't care what he was doing. Jungkook was here and he was warm, for once he was going to let himself be happy.

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