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^^Am I the only one who thought they looked so squishy and cute during the Summer Package?^^

Anyone see the Taekook Hyundai commercial? Twitter lost its mind over it

So did I, not gonna lie

So I'm here to write and get my Taekook feels out:)

*Should I change the spelling of Jungkook of Jeongguk so that Tae can call him Ggukie*

**this chapter contains scenes that may be uncomfortable to some readers**


Jungkook decided to keep his mouth closed about the hidden meaning of Taehyung's new tattoo, for the time being, opting instead to watch the blonde like a hawk for the rest of the work day. The first thing he noticed;

Taehyung flinched constantly.

At every noise, quiet or boisterous, at the sound of someone's footsteps down the hallway, and even when someone tried to speak to him.

While he had seemed (mostly) ok when Jungkook had first arrived that morning, the blonde had seemed to pull into himself within the last few hours, eyes cast downward and full bottom lip pulled taunt between his teeth worriedly. Not only that but Taehyung had been distracted. Forgetting to greet customers as they walked in, forgetting to clean the stencils, and more. It would seem that basic cognitive function just wasn't present in the small male that day and it was driving Jungkook insane.

What made Jungkook even more confused was the fact that of all the men in the tattoo shop, Taehyung chose Jungkook as his form of comfort; comfort that he was obviously seeking. Jungkook over the men he had known since he was 12, selecting someone he hadn't even known more than a week ago. Jungkook was baffled but he sure wasn't complaining.

Jungkook didn't want Taehyung to seek comfort and support from anyone other than himself, he realized, as they two lounged in Taehyung's station, the early afternoon sun just beginning to rise above the clouds and peek through. Jungkook had worn a zipper jacket that day, to fight against the chill morning air on his way to work, and was glad he had chosen it over the typical black hoodie as he gazed down at the top of Taehyung's blonde head.

Taehyung had been fine for a while; he'd been doodling in his little journal while Jungkook continued practicing his tattoo skills, both in a serene silence. Jungkook quickly came to the conclusion, however, that Taehyung wanted physical contact and would begin to withdraw into himself again if Jungkook didn't initiate some form of contact every so often. It went like this; Taehyung would be sitting on the armchair next to Jungkook, pencil scratching earnestly, when he'd simply pause in his movements at random intervals. His eyes would jolt around the room, quickly, as if scanning for any threat and the hand grasping his pencil would begin to shake.

That was Jungkook's cue.

The first time, Jungkook hadn't noticed Taehyung fidgeting and had continued working, only for Taehyung to whimper lightly a moment later, squeezing his pencil free hand into a fist at his side drawing Jungkook's attention. He'd been confused at first, reaching out his own calloused hand, out of instinct, and laying it over Taehyung's fist, encasing it. Like a flip had been switched, Taehyung's breathing had evened out, his body relaxed and he'd slumped back into the armchair tiredly. And this was how it had been continuously.

Taehyung didn't mention his odd behavior, so Jungkook didn't either, ignoring his worry for the time being, rather pocketing it for further discussion later. This pursued for 20 minutes or so, every 2 to 3 Jungkook brushing a gentle hand against Taehyung's arm or squeezing his thigh lightly, which seemed to satisfy the blonde enough that he had no more large episodes.

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