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Sooo, I'm sorry

For this chapter

I wish you all luck(I wish myself luck too)

There's some rough stuff so be forewarned and I'll put up a warning before it:)

I hope you enjoy the chapter though!


"Well, what do you know? Cotton makes a reappearance" Yoongi drew as he watched Jimin timidly close the front door behind him, the small click of the latch was enough to make him jump slightly. Jimin twiddled with his fingers; he was nervous, but upon hearing Yoongi's voice, he looked up and a slight glare overtook his delicate features.

"Shut up, little rapper boy" He snapped, stepping farther into the room, obviously trying to mask the anticipation and nerves written in the blush trying its hardest to break the milky tone of Jimin's skin.

Yoongi smiled, leaning his chin on his hand, watching Jimin amused.

"You love it" He exaggerated, crossing the threshold of the counter to meet Jimin halfway. Jimin caught his eye as he approached and a smile made its way onto his features as well.

"You wish" Jimin scoffed as he whacked Yoongi's chest in earnest. The mint-haired male's own smile grew as he pulled Jimin's bag loose from its position upon his shoulder, slinging it over his own, and walking across the room to his kitchen table.

Jimin followed him, smile stretching to the point it met his eyes, and as Yoongi turned back to look at him, he swelled with happiness. When Jimin reached him, Yoongi's hands shot out to grip his waist, turning him around so the base of his back met with the wooden table. Jimin grinned devilishly, fisting his hands in the fabric of Yoongi's jacket.

"Hobi should be here in about an hour, Cotton. I wanted some alone time" Jimin licked his lips, the anticipation growing and spreading to the pit of his stomach. Both males eyes turned a shade darker as they gazed at one another in the afternoon Sunday light streaming in through Yoongi's kitchen window.

"Hmm" Jimin hummed, closing his eyes at the intensity. "Better lock the door this time. I don't want any interruptions"


(Ok...what did I just write?? Welp, there's a little Yoonmin for you, it will be important later on:))

"Kookieeee" Taehyung whined "-I have to go" The blonde struggled in Jungkook's grip, who had him trapped in a back hug, trying to get out of his grasp. Jungkook only wrapped his arms tighter, his chin coming to rest on Taehyung's shoulder as he huffed.

"Why? You already spent the night here yesterday. Why not again? I like it when you stay with me"

Now it was Taehyung's turn to huff at Jungkook's stubbornness. Don't get him wrong, he wanted nothing more than to crawl back into bed with Jungkook, cuddling or kissing, either was fine with Taehyung, for the rest of the day, but he had no choice. The blonde felt considerably calmer than he had upon arriving at Jungkook's, choosing to ignore his impending doom upon returning home, and for once he was choosing to continue on with hope and not dwell on the dark. He'd been 'summoned' by his father a good half hour ago, the nasty text still marked as unread, as Taehyung had been unwilling to open it.

There was a spark of defiance in him these days, Taehyung was finding. Something that had once existed inside himself had been rekindled and the more time he spent with Jungkook, the greater this feeling got. His father had actually asked Taehyung to come home the night before, but both he and Jungkook, even as oblivious to the true situation as he was, thought it best the blonde not return home. Taehyung had complied mostly for the sake of Jungkook; the ravenette worried so greatly for him, Taehyung couldn't bare to be the cause of his pain.

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