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Boops wassuppp,

How are you?

I'm like in a good mood for once?

The beach cures everything dudes


I hope you enjoy the chapter!!

(Edit: get your tissues ready)


"It's her anniversary today isn't it?"

Taehyung audibly gulped. The question was smothered in tenderness and hesitancy, Jungkook being cautious with how he went about it, voicing it in the most caring and careful way so as not to set Taehyung off. But even still, as the blond robotically rotated to face Jungkook, his eyes were clouded over, similar to how they had before he'd moved on to the constellations. Jungkook's eyes softened. He lay one hand over Taehyung's cheek, cupping his face, and running his thumb gently under his eye. Taehyung closed his eyes, trying to hold back the tears but also relishing in this comforting feeling of Jungkook. They were still laying out under a vast expanse of stars. Hours having passed since they'd arrived there, having fallen into a comfortable silence, Taehyung tucked into Jungkook's side as they watched the twinkling little stars.

"How'd you find out?" Taehyung asked, once he was sure he could talk without his voice coming out rough and heavy with the emotions he had been forced to keep at bay for the last 10 years. He sniffled.

"Namjoon told me. Taehyung? Is that how your father deals with his grief? Does he-" Jungkook gulped "Does he beat you?"

It was so hard to say it out loud. Jungkook knew Taehyung's father hit him, but he didn't know to the extent. He knew Hosung was a vile, violent man, Jungkook could come to that conclusion for himself but he still felt hopelessly lost. The puzzle wasn't complete yet; Jungkook was having a hard time putting together the image of Taehyung's true life. It was much too unimaginable. The thought of the blond receiving anything less than the utmost love and care made his stomach twist itself into knots violently. Taehyung sighed sadly.

"He's never said it outright, but it's always mom this and mom that. 'Why do you look like you mother Taehyung', 'Why do you have her eyes', 'She would have been so disappointed in you Taehyung', 'You-" Taehyung stopped abruptly as a sob was ripped from his throat. Jungkook quickly started rubbing his back with the hand that had been thrown over Taehyung's waist as the blond tried to reign in his breathing. "'You killed her Taehyung'"

Jungkook couldn't help the little puff of air that fell from his lips in a gasp. He held Taehyung tighter as if he could hold him together, keep him from falling apart. Or maybe holding onto Taehyung was keeping himself from falling apart. Taehyung had told him this before, a week ago when he'd been yelling at Jungkook, but for whatever reason, hearing it again now only intensified the true malice in the statement.

"Taehyung. You know that isn't true." Taehyung grimaced.

"Isn't it? I was 7, plenty old enough to understand the situation. We were out on the highway. I saw the car coming. Mom didn't. The car hit us dead on, on her side of the car. She died on impact. I didn't say anything to warn her. Now she's dead. How isn't it my fault?" Tears were swimming in Taehyung's eyes, his grip on Jungkook's shirt having tightened, and he was looking up to him with what was probably the most vulnerable expression Jungkook had ever seen the blond wear. It broke his heart.

"No it isn't. I get it Tae, I really do. You feel like you could've done more. Like you should have done more. But there was nothing you could do. Things happen in our lives that are uncontrollable. Even if you had said something, there's no telling your mom would have been able to move in time. It happened and I know it hurts, you probably miss her more everyday, but that doesn't mean you should live in guilt for the rest of your life , and it certainly does not mean you deserve to be beaten by the one person who is supposed to love you unconditionally. Taehyung what you deserve is love and care; someone to tell you everything is going to be ok, to tell you how proud they are of you, and to remind you everyday of how positively amazing you are. Nothing less and so much more." There were tears streaming down both their faces by the time Jungkook finished and he kissed Taehyung's head for good measure. The blond's bottom lip trembled as he gazed up at Jungkook, the vulnerability still ever present. Jungkook felt he had finally cracked that part of Taehyung he tried to keep hidden. When Taehyung finally spoke again, his voice was raw and full to the brim with the desire for something he knew he couldn't have.

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