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We stan steamy scenes in a dark tattoo parlor

*Love that picture by the way^^* 

(That was random...moving on)

"Dammit Jungkook, I'm going to have to start calling you Juancock."

"What did I tell you last time? No fooling around with Taehyung, and what do I find this morning? You, staring at the poor boy like he's the first meal you've had in years, and leaning in to capture the first bite!"

"It's your fucking fault anyway" Jungkook grumbled, slouching in his chair and crossing his arms defiantly. He resembled a toddler throwing a tantrum in Namjoon's opinion. 

"It's my fault your raging hormones keep trying to seduce my youngest employee?" Namjoon's voiced incredulously, eyes set in stone as he leaned back in his chair. A move that, in the past, would have intimidated the raven headed younger, but now, that Jungkook was considerably older, Namjoon could see it bouncing right off. Jungkook knew it too, it was visible in the victorious smirk gracing his sharp features, as he stared Namjoon back with as much determination capable. Namjoon raised one eyebrow. Jungkook rolled his eyes and sat forward in his chair, leaning forward so that he was perched on his knees. 

"Your entire store; the musky dark, the purple hue, the solitude of sheer silence in the early morning. It entices those hormones, sets the perfect mood, and draws me to him because he is so perfect, Joon. And your stupid ass parlor doesn't help." 

"Ahem." A moment of silence. "Just...go practice maneuvering the tattoo gun. Yoongi should be in, in about an hour." He'd given up. He might have to think of remodeling the place soon. At least he would if Jungkook decided to continue his raging war of hormones. 

"Sure thing, boss"  He was enjoying this, greatly. He took pleasure in winning, always had. Jungkook was what one would call competitive. Extremely competitive. He was standing up now, walking to the door, shoulders held back and strong, rubbing his victory in Namjoon's face entirely. The smirk was still present as well. 

"You're an asshole, you know that?" 

Jungkook, pausing in his movement of closing the door behind him, turned swiftly, and smiled. 

"I am. But I'm a lovable asshole." 



Taehyung hit his head on the table, groaning in annoyance. 

How hard was it to draw a simple design? 

After Namjoon had practically dragged Jungkook off to the back room, Taehyung had spent his time hunched over the front counter, running his way through sheets of paper faster than he could draw. Fuzzy. His brain was fuzzy. He could see the image he was trying to draw, but the details were blurred and every time he came close to grasping it, the design would dance out of his fingers and retreat farther into his head. Drawing was easy for Taehyung, he'd never had any issue with inspiration or how to depict something. Except Jeon Jungkook. 

Jungkook's tattoo, that is. 

For whatever reason, when Jungkook had requested he give him a tattoo, one of his own design, that represented the raven head himself, Taehyung had felt an eagerness to do so, as an artistic surge raced through his system; something that hadn't happened in a long while. He wanted Jungkook's tattoo to be special, it was one of the first tattoos he'd ever placed on anyone other than himself, and if Jungkook had to live with his artwork for the rest of his life, Taehyung wanted to make it count. 

Tattoo Boy ||  j.jk + k.th ✓Where stories live. Discover now