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Hi little Army Lovelies<3

Yo are you all ready for the craziness that is about to go down in this chapter???

We'll see won't we?

Hehehehehehehe you guys are going to be surprised:)

ENJOY THE CHAPTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(oh was that too many exclamation points...oops)

Please read author's note at the end of the chapter!!!<3


(2 days later, the end of the one week)

"Hello beautiful!" The blindingly bright smile stretching across Jungkook's cheeks as he leant against the side-door of his car was the epitome of joy and relief. He opened his arms into a wide opening welcome, humming in delight as the smaller body mass of Taehyung collided with his in a fury of blond hair and pastel sweater. Jungkook rocked the two of them back and forth as he peppered kisses all around Taehyung's face, paying careful attention to the bruises, both new and old, making sure to drop the most gentle of touches to them. "Are you ready to go?"

Taehyung was shifting back and forth on his feet, practically vibrating in his place and one step away from jumping up and down. He looked like he was trying to contain his excitement. His navy blue bag and case containing his tattoo gun had been discarded on the ground in his haste to get to Jungkook. If possible, the ravanette's smile grew once he caught sight of the items. Finally, Taehyung would be away from his father and toxic home-life. Taehyung nodded happily, blond locks bouncing against his forehead. There was a slight nip in the air despite the sun beating down on the pavement, tinting Taehyung's cheeks a rosy pink color. With the excited wide brown eyes staring up at Jungkook while bouncing on his heels, the blond looked like an adorable puppy. Jungkook cooed.

"Did you get it?" He gestured to the mass of bags on the ground, Taehyung only needing to flit his eyes to his belongings for a second before understanding clouded his eyes. He nodded again, curt this time, assertive.

"Got it." Was all he offered, before the smile was back on his face. Jungkook could tell he was struggling to prevent himself from bursting out of happiness. Jungkook was too. Seeing the blond so full of excitement and joy made him elated to an extent he didn't know what to do with. The two stared at one another for a moment, brightening smiles ever present. They both knew what this meant. Before Taehyung could make another move, Jungkook was running forward, circling Taehyung's wast and lifting him off the ground, spinning him in a circle.



To the point he got dizzy and lost his footing, sending both males crashing to the ground in a fit of giggles. As they sat up, Taehyung took the opportunity to kiss Jungkook, long and hard, but sweet and tender, feeling a thrilling buzz pass to Jungkook and back to him.

"My hero" Taehyung giggled cheerily when they pulled away, peering down at Jungkook who had at some point lain backdown in the grass to kiss Taehyung better. The ravanette chuckled as he pulled himself to his feet, offering a hand to Taehyung, which he gladly accepted.

"My brave little lion" He cooed, brushing two fingers against his cheek affectionately.

Then with a flourish of one hand and a bow, Jungkook pulled the car door open in a grand gesture. With smiling eyes and front bunny teeth on full show, Jungkook looked up at his Taehyung from his bowed position, the two communicating through shimmering eyes and the realization that a dream once foggy and dim with despondency had cleared into a shining beacon of obtainability and accomplishment.

Tattoo Boy ||  j.jk + k.th ✓Where stories live. Discover now