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My dudesss, welcome back to the land of magical rainbows, chocolate falls, purple skies 

A dash of Taekook,

And a whole lot of whatever else the heck this book is 

...ok I'll shut up... 

Enjoy the chapter!! 

*Italics = past* 

*Please read the note at the bottom, it address some of what happens in this chapter:)* 


When Taehyung's vision finally cleared, he found himself to be laying in comfort, surrounded by a light purple hue, the twinkling lights of the city casting moving shadows across the wall and ceiling. 

The pillow under his head was soft, and he burrowed further into it, inhaling the comforting scent it gave off. 

Jungkook's room was quickly becoming one of Taehyung's favorite places. 

One because it smelled of the ravenette. And two, because it made him feel safe. Taehyung, however, didn't remember on this instance how he had gotten to Jungkook's apartment. He remembered the tattoo parlor that morning. He remembered Yoona and her ugly hate speech. He remembered sinking to floor and Yoongi finding him. After that, it all got hazy, blurred into snippets of different memories as he had faded in and out, of what Taehyung assumed, was a like consciousness; there, but never really there. 

There were faint recollections of charcoal black eyes gazing worriedly into his own, of a calloused yet warm hand on his cheek brushing away the tears free-falling down his cheeks, and being pulled flush against another warm, sturdy body mass, cradled. The in-between was mixed and unclear, but Taehyung couldn't bring himself to fully focus on his lack thereof of the past few hours, as he was still floating in limbo; aware but not anchored. 

Taehyung faintly became conscious of his phone buzzing continuously against his leg in his pants pocket, but he refused to take it out. He didn't have to. He already knowing who the incessant texts were coming from. He hadn't been home and his heart beat spiked realizing this, as the already loud taunts of his father intensified.

"Look what you've done, Taehyung. It's all you fault." 

"She's gone. You killed her" 

"It should have been you" 

Taehyung pulled his knees up to his chest, hugging them tightly with his shaking arms. His father's voice was bouncing through his head and his past was flashing behind his eyes. He rubbed at them incessantly, trying to wipe off the memories, but to no avail. Vaguely, Taehyung registered that his breathing had become labored, but he was rapidly regressing back to the state he had been in after Yoona and he felt completely and utterly helpless. He felt weak and unable to do anything, his overwhelming attack rendering him useless, and only able to succumb his nightmares, waiting for someone to break him out of it. 

That was when his phone decided to ring. 

And that was when Taehyung truly lost it. 

His hands shot up, covering his ears harshly, as the fragile boy squeezed his eyes closed tightly wishing the sound would go away. It was too much. Too much of a reminder of that night. The words were burning into his back, still stinging with his father's lingering rage. 

His first, first tattoo. 

Before he'd learned the art, before working for the parlor. 

The worst his father had ever beaten him. 

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