Trial Pt: 2

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I have part two for you today of the Trial chapter!

The information in this chapter will stray farther from how trials typically work but please bear with me, they are necessary for the plot - also the lies Yoona and Ho-sung will share have potential to make some uncomfortable so please tread with caution<3

Now without further ado

Enjoy the chapter!



"I'd like to call my first witness. Im Yoona."

Yoona was dragged kicking and screaming from the courtroom.

Her heavily scripted recounting of events was full of blatant discrepancies and straight lies that had painted Taehyung, in jagged blood red lines and ebony splatters, as jealous and unstable. All of which, were met by immense sympathy from the defense attorney, coddling her story, as Yoona became the epitome of a victim.

Her story, however, had crumbled quickly.

By the time Taehyung's lawyer took to the floor, the blue-haired male felt gutted and exhaustion had begun to creep into his bones.

"Ms. Im, my records state that you and Mr. Jeon were previously in a relationship that ended rather poorly. Is this correct?" Yoona nodded, seeming confused, but Taehyung could pick up the lick of anger that lit her eyes.

His lawyer continued, "Could that by any chance be why you are here, today? Because multiple testimonies were given regarding a jealous ex-girlfriend causing severe emotional stress and PTSD like episodes for my client." Yoona gaped, momentarily caught off guard.

She spluttered. "Of course not! It was purely coincidence that my mother started dating Taehyung's father. Once we were situated within his home, Taehyung became violent and jealous because Jungkook had started spending more time with me than him. We were just starting to rekindle what we'd had, you see. When Taehyung caught word of it, his anger was unmatched."

Taehyung furrowed his brows. Behind him, the benches creaked as Jungkook shifted uncomfortably, mumbling under his breath. "I object."

"I'm sure you were." The lawyer sympathized before turning a sharp eye to the judge. "Your honor, I'd like to offer up video log #5."

Yoona's face screwed up. "Video log?"

As she spoke, an old fashioned TV was rolled into the courtroom, already prepped with the requested video segment.

"Yes. Now if the court would please direct their attention to the screen. This log was recorded by Mr. Kim's boyfriend, Jeon Jungkook. It is apart of a set of nine and caught merely a weeks' worth of abuse from Mr. Kim's father. In this particular log, as you will see, Ms. Im is in fact present."

The video began rolling, the spectators and jurors alike held in rapture by the rolling footage. Taehyung turned his head away.

"For context, this video begins directly after log #4, which is why Taehyung's father is not present. However, my client is very clearly subdued to the floor, covered in multiple contusions and a fresh laceration above the right eyebrow. About halfway through this video, Ms. Im moves from her position" Gasps rang throughout the room, causing Taehyung to slouch in his seat. "And drives her foot directly into his stomach before exiting the room once more."

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