Author's Note

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Hello my lovelies, 

             It has been less than 24-hours since I posted the epilogue of Tattoo Boy but I wanted to get this out while the feelings are still fresh. I'm not the greatest at expressing myself unless it is in a fictional work, so I will try my best to convey my thoughts well.                                                                          I really just need to say a big THANK YOU to every single person who has ever opened this story. It is my baby. The first book I ever felt proud of, my first successful story, and the first to ever be completed. It will always be that book for me and a large portion of that is because of all of you. When I set out to write this book nearly two years ago, I never could have imagined the love it would garner. I never thought I would wake up every morning and laugh, smile, and feel warm as I read through comments. It's incredible, really, how happy you all have made me throughout the duration of this book. You are all such kind souls(peep those comments that make me cackle too) and I couldn't ask for anything more from you. This entire book was written during such an emotional time in my life and I feel that can be distinguished through the lines of the story. I don't like change. Yet in the time I wrote 'Tattoo Boy', I moved to a new city, left the school I had attended for the last 12 years, had to be the 'new girl' for the first time, lost someone incredibly dear to me, and spiraled into a new world of anxiety as a result. Yet, there was always a place for me to come-I could always enter Wattpad and write, and express myself through the characters. I could come here and bask in the love you all bestowed upon me. And even when I felt I wasn't deserving of it, you all were still there. So thank you a million times over for everything you have done for this book. There are not enough words to truly express my gratitude, try as I might for many years.                                                                                                                               I'll keep this fairly short, but I just need you to know it was a privilege to go through this journey with you all. I hope you continue to live and be happy, and always know I will be here to support and love you too because it is the least I can do to repay you all for your undiluted kindness. You are enough. You are special. You are loved. There is nothing that needs to be changed, regardless of what anyone says. Remember this when things get hard, as they inevitably do, but that does not mean you should not put up a fight. You will prevail through the strength, bravery, beauty, and intelligence you hold within you. Keep going. Don't stop. Everything will be ok in the end. And remember there are always people in your corner fighting with you. I purple you my lovelies, more than you will ever know. Thank you. 


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