Missed Call

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Happy New Year! 

I'm currently listening to NCT Dream's 'Chewing Gum' and feeling like a toddler

Starting the year off well:p 

Do you have any new year resolutions? 

I don't, ummmm

 Spend more time with BTS. Is that good?


When Jungkook awoke to the sound of a tattoo gun whirring in another back room, dusk had fallen and the tips of moonbeams were peaking through the closed shades of the lone window in the station room. The sun had dipped behind the horizon, save for the last slope, and Jungkook knew, outside the sky would be painted a mixture of purple and orange, and the barest hint of murky night. There was no telling how long he and Taehyung had been dozing in the small back room, but Jungkook didn't care. He was happy to spend an eternity in this position with the blond curled so perfectly into his side. 

Taehyung had turned sometime in his sleep Jungkook noticed as he gazed down at him, to fold himself further into the warmth that was Jungkook. Taehyung's head was safely tucked into Jungkook's chest, one of his arms secured tightly around his waist and his leg still wrapped around Jungkook's thighs. He was mumbling incoherently as he soundly slept and Jungkook cooed at his adorableness. Gazing around the room one more, Jungkook was surprised that no infuriated Namjoon's had come into the room to drag him away by the ear, but thanked whatever presence that he and Taehyung hadn't been disturbed. Jungkook felt that Taehyung needed this; a peaceful sleep, a moment to not worry about anything and rest. 

Said blonde began to stir slightly, arching his back to relieve some of the pressure that had accumulated in his slumber. Jungkook watched with interest as Taehyung brown eyes opened curiously and blinked, bringing his hands up to rub furiously at his eyes, as if he could wipe the sleep away. Taehyung scrunched his face up and twisted further into Jungkook when the tattoo gun picked up once more, trying to hide from the sleep disturbing noise. 

"Noisy, noisy, very noisy" He slurred as he used Jungkook's larger hand to cover his ears, not at all caring that he had been bear-hugging him in his sleep only moments ago. Jungkook laughed at his cuteness, and Taehyung brought his head out of its hidey hole to peer up at Jungkook's onyx eyes, giving him a shimmering box smile. Jungkook smiled back before turning to gaze at the window once more, watching the ever darkening sky as the sun slipped completely below the skyline. 

"We slept for a long time, Tae. I wouldn't be surprised if the store was closing soon." 

"Mmm" Taehyung hummed in confirmation, going back to laying in the shell Jungkook had created for him. He felt safe in there, away from the harmful outside world. No father, no wishing for a mother he didn't have, just him and Jungkook, alone and safe and- 


And the annoyingly loud blare of a phone's ringtone. 

Taehyung groaned, not wanting to leave the armchair, but he got up anyway, trudging to where his phone rested in the pocket of his coat. He fished it out, a glare on his face, fully aware that Jungkook's dark eyes were watching him from the armchair, as if . beckoning him to leave the call and return to their position. And oh how he wanted to. Unfortunately, that was when the bulk of Jungkook's statement sunk in. 'Store. Closing. Soon.' Taehyung swiveled his head to the window, almost dropping his phone as he came into contact with the dark night. The ringing stopped abruptly. Taehyung's heart did not. It had started hammering inside his chest, and only increased as Taehyung peered down at his phone, looking at the caller ID. 

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