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You ever just sitting in your room and...

"rubber ducky, you're the make bath time so much fun"? 

I think Bang Chan has invaded my brain lol 

Anywhoosle, I hope you're ready! The next phase of Tattoo Boy starts with this chapter! I certainly am ready! 

So without further ado, let's get it! :) 

**I must mention that I am not a lawyer and the mentions of law proceedings handling misdemeanors/and or federal crimes may not be accurate and will most likely be stretched to fit the story** 


"What the hell Taehyung! How dense do you think I am? Did you think I didn't notice your little trips around town at three am in the morning? What are you doing out there huh? Finding a stranger's bed to sleep in? Or do you just like dragging my expectations as a father further into the ground?" 

The baseball bat, which had previously been mounted on the wall near the fireplace was now being twirled absentmindedly in a wide arc, taunting Taehyung as his eyes followed its path. He wiped his already reddening cheek and gave his father a head on stare, resisting every fiber in his body begging him to either look away or stare directly into the camera lens placed on the window sill just outside. 

"I've been so patient with you Taehyung. And all you do is continuously throw my generosity back in my face. Maybe my fists weren't enough" 

The first swing of the bat sent Taehyung's body jerking, ripping a yelp from his throat, but he did not let his eyes drift from those of his father. The blond was edging him on. Hosung didn't like any sense of defiance or anyone other than himself to hold a shred of power. In short, Taehyung's persistence annoyed him to no end. But Taehyung had a newfound inner strength, and a strong will to break from his bonds within his household. 

The stiff wood met Taehyung again, this time in a different spot, but the blond hardly felt it. He knew, this was what had to be done if he wanted to be free. So when his father ceased his hits and the constant thrum of pain dulled to a distant beat, Taehyung sat up, wincing only slightly and narrowed his eyes. Drilling them into his father's head. He had to speak on what had taken him so long to realize. 

"You haven't been my father for a long time. Your expectations mean nothing to me now" 


The video cut out just as Taehyung's father rose the bat to swing again. Namjoon sat back on the couch. His hands were trembling slightly as he clutched onto the small camera, knuckles turning white from the force. There was a mop of brown hair to his right, bent at an awkward angle to get a better view of the small screen. Namjoon couldn't see his face but he felt certain Hoseok's eyes were blown wide with shock. The male was tapping his fingers against the back of the couch in a quick succession as his left knee bounced in an anxious habit. On Namjoon's left sat Yoongi, deftly straight and unmoving, his eyes locked on his lap. His throat bobbed harshly as he swallowed back his disgust and anger. Namjoon looked up at the couple sat across the trio, opening his mouth to speak-

"There's 8 more where that came from" Came Jungkook's slightly muffled voice, practically reading Namjoon's mind. Beside him, Taehyung continued to dab lightly at blood drying on his cracked lip, pinching his shoulder when the ravanette decided to move too much. The young blond hadn't so much as peaked at the elders since the play button had been clicked. Jungkook shifted, moving to stand up and retrieve his camera but yelped as Taehyug's lithe fingers dug into his flesh. 

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