Upside Down

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Who allowed him to wear that???^^^


Please ignore my fangirling*smiles shyly*

Hats to anyone who got the American Hustle Life cameo in the last chapter!


Taehyung didn't come into work for the next 2 days.

To say Jungkook was worried was an understatement. He came to work the day after Taehyung's quick departure, eager to see the blonde's smiling face once more, only to be met with an eerily empty tattoo parlor, and no adorable 17 year old behind the counter. Namjoon had arrived shortly after him, claiming that Taehyung had called in sick, which lessened Jungkook's worry slightly, but the timing was off and his uneasy feeling never ceased for the rest of the day.

The second day came around and when Taehyung's bubbly self still made no appearance at the tattoo shop, Jungkook's worry returned with a vengeance, biting at his every move and clouding his thoughts. He couldn't get the younger out of his head. He'd seen the fear plastered to his face the day he rushed out, seen how he'd gripped onto Namjoon, there was something he was missing, and he was willing to bet that it was the reason for Taehyung's disappearance. Jungkook questioned the other men persistently, but their lips were sealed tight, and not a single one budged, although it was clear, to Jungkook at least, that they knew exactly where the youngest was.

The aura of the tattoo shop turned grey and grim without the cheery blond. Even the neon purple sign out front didn't seem to glow as brightly, instead it flickered aimlessly, as if sensing the lack of Taehyung's presence. Jungkook's own concern grew with each passing hour, as he sat in Taehyung's station, on the very armchair the two had occupied only a few days prior, either practicing his tattoo artistry, or sifting through the many design ideas Taehyung had stored away, finding more admiration for the blonde with each passing drawing. Two days and he missed Taehyung terribly. He could hear Taehyung's voice in the back of his mind, giggling and telling him goofy stories from his childhood, it made him happy and somber at the same time.

"Namjoon, please!" He begged the older, on the second day during the lunch break, chasing after him as he strode quickly down the back hallway. He was meeting Jin for lunch and did not want to keep the male waiting long. "You know why he isn't here, just tell me!" Jungkook's persistent voice followed Namjoon, once again nipping at his conscious and telling him just how important the young blonde was to Jungkook, he could hear the desperation and anguish clear in his voice.

"Jungkook, no! Now, I'm late."

"Fine." Jungkook suddenly spoke curtly, a hint of mischief creeping into his voice. "If you won't tell me, I suppose I could just tell Jin that you're the one who broke his favorite pair of sunglasses." He teased, mockingly. Namjoon halted, turning on his heel-when he reached the exit, hand braced on the door-to face the evil glint in the younger's dark iris' and groaning in annoyance and irritation.

"You tell Jin that, and I'll tell him that it was you who got grape juice on the carpet!" Namjoon hissed in return, then catching a glimpse of the younger's face, he took pity on Jungkook and sighed deeply. "He'll be here when he's here, Jungkook. Now, please stop asking, and realize that you are not the only one having a hard time with this." Then he was gone, slipping out the exit and entering his car before Jungkook could utter another word.

He stood in the same spot, puzzled for some time, not comprehending exactly what Namjoon had meant by his statement. He had gotten no further information on the wellbeing of Taehyung, besides the fact that his suspicions had been correct, and did Namjoon fully know what was going on with Taehyung and was merely opting not to tell him. Revisiting the last two days in his mind, Jungkook replayed Namjoon's every reaction and emotion present, realizing only then the way his shoulders had tensed when Taehyung's name was mentioned. How his fingers would curl into fists and he would stalk off somewhere far into the parlor refusing to acknowledge the situation, as his eyes darkened tremendously. Namjoon was angry. He was angry, but he was also scared. Jungkook wasn't the only one worried about the security of Taehyung, Namjoon was just better at hiding it then he was. Jungkook chuckled dryly to himself as he gazed down at his cracked and bitten nails that he'd ripped to shreds-a nervous habit he had picked up as a kid-wondering how it had taken him so long to figure it out.

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