Waning Moon and Shining Star

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I'm still really pumped about this book! 

Hopefully, I'll be able to update more chapters soon, but break is over 

I have underestimated the power sexy Jeon Jungkook has over me 

It is an interesting journey writing these chapters, lemme tell you....



Jungkook's first official day of work at RM's Tattoo Parlor. 

He had been told to get there by 8. 

He arrived at 7:30. 

Call him a kiss up, he really just wanted Namjoon to forget about the little Taehyung incident the day before. Not that it would be the last one by any means, he just needed to be in his hyung's good graces. 

As Jungkook parked his car in the back lot, he was surprised to see the purple hue of the store reflecting off the glass windows and onto the pavement. The open signs were on. Was someone else here before him? The store didn't open for another hour and a half. 

He entered using the backdoor, as instructed, his first and only time coming through the front door was yesterday. You come through the backdoor; you are apart of the family, the tattoo family, that is. The door closed quietly behind him as he slipped through silently, not wanting to startle whoever was there. The hallway was dark, as Jungkook hung up his coat, and he wondered if someone just forgot to turn off the purple sign the night before. He advanced to the front. There was no one there, the expanse was dark, with only the cursive sign lit up and casting Jungkook in murky purple light. 

The whirring of a tattoo gun caught Jungkook off guard, in the quiet interior, making him jump slightly. A small whimper, then muttering followed. He furrowed his brows, and turned to investigate. He had only taken one step when the whir stilled, as his only hint disappeared with the flick of an off switch. Jungkook's shoulders drooped in disappointment. Now he was going to have to search all the back rooms. 

It was too early in the morning for this. 

He once again began to head off to investigate when he caught sight of a black object residing on the couch in the center of the room. It was a jacket, one that Jungkook thought looked particularly familiar but he couldn't place where exactly he'd seen it before. He picked it up and examined the material; it was small, about two or three sizes smaller than Jungkook's own coat. It was worn, and dusty, and there was a rip in the right sleeve, Jungkook poked a finger in it, playing with the cloth. 

"J-j-jungkook?" Jungkook dropped the material so fast you would think it had burned him. 

"Taehyung!" Jungkook stood quickly, surprised to see the younger so early on a Friday, but there he was, standing timidly by the hallway exit, and staring at Jungkook, wide eyed. There was a bandage wrapped around his lower forearm; a new tattoo. Jungkook's eyes fell to the white gauze adorning him, instantly wanting to know what was hiding under the dressing; what new delectable black ink the blonde had decided to give himself. 

"Wh-what are you doing here? It's only 7:45." Taehyung rubbed his eyes tiredly, and Jungkook took in the rest of Taehyung. There were obvious black circles under his beautiful brown eyes, and he seemed tired, in more ways than one. His attire was also something to question; a plain white tee-shirt, and plaid cotton pants; pajamas. Jungkook was momentarily distracted by the shirt, the thin material was quite see through allowing Jungkook to see the faint outline of a single tattoo gracing his left peck. What exactly the tattoo was, Jungkook couldn't tell, but that didn't stop him from being anymore enthralled by the design than he already was. 

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