Little Lion

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Wow what is this, two updates that are on time???

I am: WHO??

Lol my humor haha, any Stays in the crowd who got that?

SO I am dead after Billboard, the performance(Halsey and BTS), the awards(woot woot), Jungkook, Taehyung, and Jin snacking...

Should I do a character Q/A? Tell me here ->

And please make sure to read the ending note at this chapter, I need your input :):)


"Aw look, a Tae-mallow"

Taehyung shifted slightly, the blanket that had been previously sheltering him slipping off his shoulder as he eyed Jungkook who had just entered the bedroom, a stack of fresh clothes in one hand and still steaming tea in the other. The blonde smiled lopsidedly, eyes still closed and unwilling to fully give his attention to the ravenette. He was too comfy for that. However, he did feel slightly saddened that Jungkook had decided to put a shirt on; yes, he may have been having a mental breakdown, but he wasn't blind. He just wished he'd been more in tune to admire the obvious muscle the elder possessed. Some other time, Taehyung supposed. The blonde felt the bed dip beside him as Jungkook settled his weight on the edge of the comforter, directly next to Taehyung's hip.

"All snug in my sheets, curled up in a tiny ball, and snuggling my pillow with those cheeks puffed out like that. You're adorable, my little marshmallow."

Jungkook leant over and pinched one of Taehyung's cheeks gently between two fingers, smiling brightly. Taehyung whacked him playfully on the thigh all the while squishing his face into the older male's pillow in attempt to hide his cherry red cheeks.

"Stop it, you bunny. I'm not a marshmallow, if anything I'm a big strong lion!" Taehyung whined, swatting at Jungkook's leg again just for good measure, his voice muffled through the pillow, which didn't help his case in the least, only serving to make him appear cuter. Jungkook laughed above him, the vibrations going straight through to Taehyung's hip, making him shiver.

"Of course you are." Jungkook ruffled the hair on the back of Taehyung's head, fondness and adoration seeping through his touch. "Does my big strong lion wanna change out of his wet clothes?"

Jungkook was teasing him, he knew, but Taehyung nodded sheepishly anyways, turning to face Jungkook fully for the first time. He felt like there was a permanent blush engraved into his cheeks by all these pet names and gentle coddling. He took the clothes from Jungkook's outstretched hands, flashing him a brief thankful smile, before scurrying into the bathroom, his hands finding his cheeks almost immediately once he was in the security of the locked bathroom.

"Stupid cheeks. Always throwing me to the lions like that. Wait, I'm a lion...always throwing me to the wolves like that. Tsk, how rude" The blonde chided, patting his still blossoming cheeks, hoping to make the coloration disappear.

Jungkook chuckled to himself, listening to Taehyung's self monologue, loving that the blonde seemed to be happier since entering his apartment, more like himself. But he still couldn't drop the itching feeling in the pit of his stomach, regarding what had happened prior to this cheery attitude; the broken boy at his front door, what had caused it. That was a Taehyung he saw only occasionally, but he wanted to know why that side of the blonde even existed in the first place, he wanted to know the cause of those demons he kept locked up behind shining brown eyes and a beautiful box-smile.

Sighing, Jungkook stood from the bed, began his task of changing the sheets, which had been dampened by Taehyung's wet clothes, and wondering how he was going to bring up the topic of Taehyung's breakdown to the blonde in a way that wouldn't make him close himself off.(I dunno if I mentioned this but it rained on him in the last chapter:))

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