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This is it, the epilogue of Tattoo Boy 

All that's left after is a final author's note from your's truly 

Ugh I will never get over this book 

I hope you enjoy the epilogue <3 


Winter descended suddenly and without warning, as a blanket of fluffy, pearly white snow flushing out the soft reds and yellows of Fall in one fell swoop. The pleasant breeze was replaced by crisp winds and icicles and snowman alike grew in numbers along the sidewalks of Seoul. 

Winter brought change. 

And with it, Taehyung's 18th birthday. 

The event wasn't a large gathering, just the seven best-friends holed up in the tattoo parlor, swapping stories and munching on the cake Seokjin had so graciously baked,  topped with an icing decorum of 'For our Taehyungie; Happy Birthday'. They spent a fair chunk of time outside; throwing snowballs, making snow angels, and pranking Hoseok with gloves full of the chilly snow. 

Taehyung couldn't remember a time he'd laughed as much as he did that day and when he caught Jungkook's eyes, twinkling under the sun reflecting off the mounds of icy powder, the blue-haired male was sure, there was no where else he would rather be. 

Namjoon approached Taehyung giddily, lightly tapping his nose with frost bitten fingers. The male was lively, a sort of calm present in his stance, as he stood with relaxed shoulders. It was a strong contrast to the man Taehyung used to know-one whom had frown lines stitched continuously into his skin and floundered relentlessly under stress. 

The blond smiled easily, swinging an arm over Taehyung's shoulder, drawing the younger in close. "Well kid, how's it feel to be 18?" 

Taehyung paused, stepping out of Namjoon's arms to move into Jungkook's, who had wandered over with the rest of the group. He pressed his rosy, chill-kissed cheeks into the elder male's chest. Wordlessly, Jungkook looped his hands around Taehyung's waist, nudging him closer, body warm despite the cold. The blue-haired male took a second to glance at his friends; his family, observing how joy seemed to vibrate between them. How Jimin, Hoseok, and Yoongi huddled together, watching him with fond eyes and gracious smiles, and how Jin had draped himself over Namjoon, his chin resting comfortably on the younger's shoulder. 

Taehyung smiled, bright and box-shaped. "It feels like the best dream ever." He said wistfully, eyes fluttering and head falling to plop against Jungkook's chest once more. Namjoon, Yoongi, Jin, Hoseok, and Jungkook all laughed at the same time Jimin tut. 

"Ah, ah, ah" The pink haired male smiled mischievously. "This is reality, Tae-baby!" Jimin crooned, right as he smothered a freshly rolled snowball into Taehyung cheek. 

The sun set that day to the backing track of exuberant, twinkling laughter. 


(1 year later)

Not much changed after Taehyung's official plunge into adult-hood. 

He and Jungkook continued to live together in the elder's apartment, exploring the many different sides to both themselves and their relationship. The only addition to their home happened to be the small puppy Taehyung had found abandoned in the rain on his way home-the tiny ball of fluff being far too cute for the empathetic man to leave. The puppy, deemed Yeontan, had instantly become apart of Taehyung and Jungkook's little family, often whittling his way into their cuddle sessions and finding a certain joy in licking Jungkook's nose. 

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