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Hello my lovelies<3

How are you doing? I know this is such a stressful, crazy time and many of us are trying to adapt to new living conditions and just a overall new normal. I understand and am going through it too so if you are ever feeling anxious or anything and just feel the need to chat, please know I am here for you. We'll all get through this together<3

That said..

Welcome!! I have quite a doozy for you today!

If you freakout at the end...Hobi wrote it not me ;)

Hope you enjoy!!!

P.S. if you're up for a rambly explanation of the artwork down in the author's note/in the story, than stick around at the end of the chapter to read it in the author's note :)


Within the next 30 seconds of Yoongi and Hoseok's uncontrollable laughter, Yoona had subsided into a fit of sobs on the couch. It was pitiful sounding, a mixture between small hiccups and something which resembled a screeching cat.

It had been 20 minutes.

The boys had long since retired to the work station farthest from Yoona, desperate to escape the noise and awkward silence of simply standing and watching her pity party. Jungkook felt like his ears were going to fall off and the tension coiling in his stomach put him on edge.

Something felt wrong.

He interrupted from putting too much thought into the unsettling feeling, however, as the door cracked open, followed by a head of fluffy mint hair.

"We need to get her out of here" Yoongi cocked his head in the direction of Yoona's wailing, the annoyance clear on his face. He rubbed his forehead. "I can't stand another minute"

"Not it!" Hoseok and Namjoon yelled at the same time, both with a finger pressed to their nose. Jungkook spluttered, moving quickly to a standing position, preparing to protest when Yoongi's expression changed mirror wicked amusement. He raised a nimble finger to his nose. Jungkook sent him a pleading stare, but Yoongi only smiled.

"Sorry Kook. Nose goes."


The first thing Jungkook realized as he was halfway down the hallway, was that Yoona had resolved to small sniffles rather than sobs.

The second was the sound of her pasted pink nails drumming against the the small side-table next to the couch. He cringed; the sound reminiscent of every time Yoona had chewed him out for not paying enough attention to her.

She didn't turn as entered, her attention was held in rapt by the small compact mirror she held in her hand. He watched as she paused her tapping ministrations to dab at her lipstick then returned to the action.

The third thing Jungkook became aware of was Yoona muttering under her breath.

"I should've kicked the little brat a few more times for this" She murmured darkly, finger thumbing absently at her new tattoo. There was a viciousness to her voice that Jungkook had never heard before. It sent shivers down his spine, mingling uncomfortably with the sudden flare of anger that spiked in his chest.

"Excuse me?"

Yoona spun around, a hand pressed to her chest, and a look of clear astonishment on her face. Clearly, she hadn't been expecting anyone to come out. A trace of fear flicked across her face as she took in Jungkook's form across the room; dark clothes from head to toe and a sizzling black gaze to match, but it was replaced quickly by her signature perky smile. She jumped up, reaching Jungkook in one fell swoop, and seized his arm in hers.

Tattoo Boy ||  j.jk + k.th ✓Where stories live. Discover now