Miss You

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"You're so lovely, we're so lovely, lovely, lovely, lovely!" 


I tried to write this update as quickly as possible so you wouldn't be left hanging with the last chapter! 


Phone call below: Italics: Yoongi, Jungkook(I'll make sure to specify who is who speaking) regular: dialogue :)

Hope you enjoy?? <3 


It was dusk, the light grey clouds which had graced the sky throughout the day were slowly starting to dissolve into little wisps of silvery streamers draping among the horizon from the just emerging stars. They twinkled brightly as the sky cleared into a midnight black void of cloud or fog. 

A beautiful view from Jungkook's apartment window.

But it all appeared dull to him. The stars were a pale yellow, lacking in their usual glittery flicker and the picture, a perfect set for a night time gaze, merely resembled a boring picture missing its essence. 

God, he'd fucked up. 

This type of night was one he and Taehyung enjoyed spending many an evening stargazing either from his bed or the small balcony, wrapped in a blanket and reveling in the warmth they both provided, while talking about nothing and everything all the same. Those were some of Jungkook's favorite nights with the blonde, but without him, they felt saddening, empty. There were no light brown eyes staring at him with the glimmering lights reflecting deep with the iris', no happy giggles falling past cherry red lips whenever Jungkook would make a joke or shower affectionate praises, and there were no sweet, feathery kisses made into the depth of the night under the moonlit sky in which the ambiance made the moment all the more enticing and beautiful.  

It had been a week since Jungkook had punched Taehyung's father. A week since he had tried to punch Namjoon. And a week since Taehyung had given Jungkook up on the prospect of the ravanette's safety and protection, breaking both their hearts in the process. 

Jungkook hadn't seen Taehyung in a week either. An uncountable amount of messages and calls had been left on the younger's cell but each went unread and unanswered, and as the week moved on in an agonizingly slow without Jungkook's discoverable cause of happiness, he'd become more sullen, snappy, in a poor mood in general that did not go unnoticed by the workers at the parlor. 

The majority of the members had been forgiven for their refusal to share with Jungkook about Taehyung's home life, only Namjoon and he remained with a tense atmosphere, including a lack of trust and a general air of lingering betrayal, guilt, and anger. Jungkook, while feeling bad about where he and Namjoon had left off, he couldn't bring himself to make the first step to making it right, too sunken into his own regrets over Taehyung, seeing as the blonde had become his first priority long ago, the guilt the ravenette felt over Taehyung, far exceeded that he did with Namjoon. 

The only reassurance Jungkook possessed of Taehyung's wellbeing had been the cellphone call between him and Yoongi the very same night after Taehyung stormed off. Jungkook had quickly dissolved into a wreck after Taehyung had left, racing around the city extremely late into the night holding onto any hope he could find within himself that Taehyung had run to anywhere other than home. Defeated, he had returned to his own apartment well past midnight, face stricken with falling tears, a numbness which flowed from the top of his head to the ends of his toes, and approximately 6 missed calls from Yoongi. He'd phoned him immediately, too distracted on the implication the call could be about Taehyung to recall the fact he had been angry at him not even a full day earlier. 

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