Yoongi Bites

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My dudeeeessss!!!! 

I haven't slept a lot these last days hehe 

Which means I'm hypperrrrrrrererrrerer(^that pic is literally my mood rn lol) 

I've been jamming to Stray Kids, Txt, and BTS and my head feels like its about to fall off from bopping 

Also, I apologize for this chapter and everything that comes after....

You'll understand by the end :) 


Taehyung was pouting. 

He was pouting hard and he was currently annilating the tip of the sparkly purple pencil in his hand, as he pressed sharply into the pad of paper splayed before him. He couldn't stop thinking about Jungkook and Yoona...


In the back room. 


While Jungkook tattooed some part of her body. 


And she talked to him in that silky voice. 

Did Taehyung mention they were alone? 


His pencil broke. 

Taehyung sighed loudly. 

"That was my favorite pen!" He cried, laying the broken item to the side and covering it in a piece of paper gently. "You! Stay here until Hobi can perform emergency surgery again!" 

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(30 minutes earlier) 

"Yoona" Jungkook pinched the bridge of his nose between two fingers, trying his hardest not to snap at the pining girl in front of him. He had been trying for the past 15 minutes to get Yoona to sit still long enough to pick a tattoo and let him put it on her, so that he could get the hell away from her as quick as possible. "Could you please just pick a tattoo?" 

"I just don't know." She huffed. "There's just so many..options" Yoona trailed off. Her finger, however, was currently making its way up Jungkook's stomach and down his arm seductively. 

Jungkook leaned away from her touch on instinct, not liking the feeling it was giving him. He shuddered. Once upon a time, Jungkook had dated this chick. He couldn't believe himself. Who was he to date someone so annoying as Im Yoona? Back then, Jungkook had thought she was the best because she was popular, as he was at that point and he, being a dumb little prick, had thought that deemed them meant to be. No matter how incompatible the two were. Although, now he found it comical the difference in the way Yoona's drawing touch felt; uncomfortable and prickly, compared to the warm, tingly, and gentle touch of Taehyung. Jungkook didn't know that sort of touch existed, but what he did know, was that no person could ever make him feel like Taehyung. Yoona, however, just couldn't seem to get over the past. 

"Nochuuu, why don't you show me some to choose from? I think I see an interesting one right here." Yoona redirected her finger to the center of Jungkook's chest, right next to his right peck, poking in between. The barest hint of a tattoo was visible through the buttons on his shirt. 

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