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My ship is sailing! 

If you haven't seen Taekook in Taiwan

I highly suggest it:):) 

Now onto the next chapter - in the words of Jungkook.. 

"Taekook, Bangtan, Let's get it!" 


"Ah Tae-it vibrates too do you make it...stop?" 

"Silly, you have to get used to it. After that, it feels really good." 

Drawing out the really, Taehyung peered over at the onyx haired man lazily sprawled out on the black armchair in the center of the room. There was an orange clutched in his right hand. 

In the other, there was a whirring tattoo gun, attempting to run out of the older man's hand. Taehyung offered a wistful smile, before making his way over to Jungkook's position, stopping to stand where his head lay, his black hair falling gracefully over his eyes. 

Taehyung had the sudden urge to move it out of his way. 

Redirecting his hands from where they had previously been inching, Taehyung gingerly laid his own, smaller hand, over the vibrating gun still wrapped in Jungkook's fist, his knuckles white from forcibly gripping the needle. 

The overhead light having been long turned off in the small back room, the only source of visibility was a table-side lamp, Taehyung used when he worked on his sketches deep into the night. Said lamp, illuminated Taehyung's face in a serene glow as Jungkook gazed up at Taehyung hovering over him, the scowl his features had once held melting off his face as he bore into the chocolate brown eyes of the blonde. The angles of his face were shadowed by the dim light and his cheek bones appeared brighter than the rest of his face, the light receding from there, dulling as it curved around his cheeks and down the bend of his neck, giving Taehyung an angular yet soft appearance. 

"Loosen your grip some." Taehyung's voice was patient, soft, as he edged his fingers under Jungkook's, loosening his grasp on the machine, and adjusting them to curl loosely around the base of the gun. He returned his hand to its previous position afterward, satisfied that Jungkook's finger felt to be placed correctly. Taehyung nudged Jungkook over on the armchair. He sat up immediately, eyes still following the blonde's every movement, captivated. Taehyung took a tentative seat next to him, scooting closer for better access. 

Hip to hip the two sat as Taehyung reached over to pluck the discarded orange from the side table and placing it back in Jungkook's lone, open palm. He poised Jungkook's needle laden hand over the fruit, tightening his own grip on Jungkook's fingers. 

"Now. Draw." Taehyung whispered silverly, his breath fanning across Jungkook's ear sending a single shiver down his spine. 

Fluidly, Jungkook, with Taehyung's guidance, drew a simple design onto the fruit, the orange surface being instantly tinted with black, as the ink dripped from the gun and engraved itself into the fragile peel. Taehyung loosened his hand, giving Jungkook a reassuring smile before slipping it off the gun entirely, leaving Jungkook on his own. 

Just like learning to ride a bike-let go of the seat and let them go on their own. 

Jungkook's hand trembled slightly under his concentration and Taehyung slid closer, pressing himself into Jungkook's side, their hips clashing and knees touching. A comforting presence for both. When Jungkook's lines became shaky Taehyung whispered again, so as not to break Jungkook's focus. 

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