Chap 29

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Manav’s POV

I reached the school and waited for her outside the gate. I saw her walking out of the gate along with some kids. They said good-by to each other and dispersed. I waved my hand for her to see. She noticed it and walked towards me. She had this smile on her face.

“This Smile suits you” – I said

“Come on, smile suits on everybody” – she said getting onto the bike.

“You don’t have to pick and drop me. I can really manage.” I heard her say

“Actually my friend’s PG is in the nearby lane, I wasn’t too far. So, its Ok for today. May be from tomorrow your dear one, would have the pleasure driving you.” I said in reply

“Did anyone have ever told you, how good you are with your words?”

“No such fortune yet”

“Then hear me, you got a great skill to amaze people around you"

“First compliment from you, I’ll remember this”

“You have many friends, here?”

“Not many, we are gang of six people”

“That’s equal to many for me.” she said and we both smiled.

“Actually, we are planning for a meet.”

“That’s good, when and where is this meet then?”

“That’s the problem, everyone has got something to deal with, we can’t choose far distances. Resort, Club, long drive all strike down.”

“Ohhh!!  Hey!! But why don’t you plan at the palace”


“I mean, our palace like house, it is so giant, like if you are Ok with it, then..”

“That’ll work, but is it Ok for both of you?” I questioned

“Of course”

“So, tomorrow it is Sunday, I think all be freed of their duties”


“Cool then” there was red signal and timer showed still 150 seconds to go. My eyes caught address of the shop having wine. I thought to get some beer for my friends.

On green, I drove my bike towards the shop and parked the vehicle and asked her to wait there.

I picked few bottles and was heading towards the billing counter, when I heard a man saying about the accident outside, I ignored it. I was in queue for the bill, when I took a note of road outside through glass, there was crowd assembled. I shifted my head towards the boy accepting payment, but all of a sudden, I left the bottles and ran out of the shop, when I remembered it was the same place where I parked the vehicle and now crowd choose to occupy it.

I pushed the crowd and moved forward. My bike was lying on the road, its mirror broken and then there was red liquid flowing. I looked in the direction of the blood and I rushed towards the person lying on the road, covered in blood. It was Payal.

Oh my god!! I didn’t understand anything. I was trembling looking at the state of her. Just then a man came and said “Lets hurry, we’ll take her to the hospital.” I nodded and quickly lifted her in my arms and sat in the Car and made our way to the hospital.
She was lying unconscious, her dress and face fully covered in blood. Tears started flowing from my eyes realising lately the seriousness of the situation. I patted on her cheeks, asking to open her eyes. But when I saw, she didn’t obey my words, I shouted on the man driving, to drive faster.

We reached the hospital and I carried her inside, just then she was taken in ICU room. Doctors and nurses started treating her. I didn’t know how to respond to all of this. I was walking impatiently outside the ICU and my phone rang loudly. One of the nurse signalled me to the board there, ‘No disturbance please’.

I took my mobile and answered it.

“Hello, Manav, Is Payal with you? She is not answering my call?” I heard Siddharth’s Voice

“Bhai (brother)… she is .. we are in hospital..” I was unable to complete my line, I was still trying between the sobs.

“What happen, Manav? Let me first talk to Payal. Just pass your mobile to her.” He said with concern

“She is in ICU… she had an accident..” I managed to say

“Which hospital Manav?”
I could barely hear his voice as all the blur images of her, draped in red, filled my head

“Manav, are you hearing me…” “Manav????”
I controlled myself and answered “yes, yes..”

“OK, tell me which hospital is it?”  he asked. But I was so unsteady and I didn’t know which hospital I was standing in. I quickly approached a nurse standing at a distant and she said “Aura Care hospital, St. bridge road”

Siddharth heard it and said “Ok, Manav just stay there, I’m on my way” I disconnected the call, while my hands were trembling. It didn’t go unnoticed by the Nurse, she bought me a glass of water. I refused and walked back towards the ICU.

I wanted nothing at the moment, except her. I want her back now. I wanna talk to her right at this moment. I want to apologise, that I left her alone with the bike and now she has to deal with such pain. Entirely it’s my fault. I should have driven her straight to the home, at least I shouldn’t have left her side.

“Did you bring the woman to hospital?” I saw inspector questioning me. I nodded my head.

“Hello, I’m Inspector Sharad, I would like to hear your words Mr…?


“Yeah Manav, instead of this nodding and all”

“Yes, I bought her.”

“Was she with you, I mean you know her?”

“Yes. I know her, she is my brother’s wife. But I don’t know how this all has happened. I parked my vehicle, got into the shop but then what I saw is, she was lying on the road all red, unconscious.”

“So you didn’t witness anything?”

“Manav” I saw Siddharth approaching. I ignored the inspector’s questions and walked towards Siddharth.

“Bhai, she is in there. I’m unaware of what actually happened. I was back from the shop and she …” he hugged me and asked me to calm down.

“Is she your wife?” inspector again erupted

“Yes, she is and myself Siddharth Ahluwalia”

“Hello, I’m Inspector Sharad and I’m assigned this case. Your wife was hit by a car. We’ll very soon catch the culprit, if you cooperate with us.”

“Alright Inspector” Siddharth answered

“So Manav did you witness anything?”

“No!!! I haven’t … I told you whatever I know..” I said losing my patience, but bhai interrupted and handled the situation and inspector went away after saying that he’ll be back when she gains her conscious back.

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