Chap 30

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Siddharth's POV

I thought of mending this relationship, I decided that day to take her out for dinner and to compensate for the past days. But I was unaware of the turn of events till I heard of Payal's Accident.

I felt like everything that's happened is repeating. I saw Kaira, then I married her and suddenly she had an accident, now same is happening with Payal. May be it's my fault, I shouldn't have dragged her into this marriage, it's all my fault. All these thoughts were banging loud in my head while I was driving to the hospital.

When I reached hospital, I saw Manav terribly disturbed. His shirt had stains of blood, definitely it was hers. I was angry at him, as I trusted him for Payal. But after I saw him in tears, all my anger melted and I hugged him to console him.

I didn't know about the whole accident until the inspector briefed about the same. For the time being I am unaware of the culprit, but he'll surely become misshaped, once found.

Manav and I were waiting outside the ICU room and the red light turned down. Just then doctor came out of the ICU and I inquired about her state, he said there was heavy loss of blood and her legs have been badly injured, it would take some time for her to recover.

We asked if we could meet her, he said "I don't think so because though we have treated her injuries, she didn't gain her consciousness, it is usual in case of trauma"

"So when we can expect her back, doctor?"

"I can't say surely, it depends upon the individual body system, how fast they recover, but most probably she should be back in a day or two, till then she'll be under 24 hrs observation, so you don't have to worry about that"

I felt relieved at least she is safe now. I gave a call to her mom, but no one has answered my call.

I went back towards the ICU but I didn't find Manav there. I went into the ICU room, she was sleeping there with a bandage covering her forehead, her face had marks of accident, she looked pale. I saw Manav holding her hand and his tears began to flow. I sat beside Manav calmly. I didn't want to talk at the moment, I was observing her and was feeling happy that I didn't lose her again.

It was almost late at night, I asked Manav to go home and take some rest. He didn't agree at first but when I said that only one visitor is allowed to stay along with the patient for night, he left nodding.

There was high AC running in the room and the least I know about her is, she could freeze in this temperature. I liked when she bought her legs close to her chest when she felt cold. But now she didn't feel any coldness, she had this straight posture. I hated to see her in this state.

I held her hand in mine, I kissed her forehead which was completely draped in bandage. I didn't know whether she was listening to me or not, but I wanted her to hear me, I kept telling her " Please come back to me"

Next morning, I woke up, to the voice of the nurse who came to check upon her.

"How is she now?" I asked

"Her Breathing is normal Sir and everything else also seem normal"She said

"Who is the other person Sir, her brother?" she said

"No, he's my brother. Why did you ask?" I enquired

"Actually he's constantly asking about arrival of the doctor at the reception desk."



I dialled his number and asked him to come to the room. We both waited patiently for her, to wake up from long sleep.

After some time nurse appeared and said that doctor has come, as Manav was constantly inquiring about him. I asked Manav to be with Payal and leave all the talking with doctor to me. He obeyed.

First I went into the washroom and Splashed cold water on face, once, twice. I remembered the time I spent with Kaira in the Pool, while we went on a trip. I miss those days, those moments with her.

I checked myself in the mirror, dark circles grown beneath my eyes, hairs untamed, lips dried up.

I began walking towards the doctors cabin, just then the nurse crossed my way and said that doctor's got an urgency and will be back in another 10 min and asked me to wait till then. I sat in his cabin, his walls were covered in quotes, some X- rays, few Paintings. Just then my phone rang and it was Manav.

Manav's POV

Siddharth went to talk to doctor while I was with her. After few minutes, readings on the medical device got changed, I quickly called the nurse. She began to check the nerves and detached the oxygen mask attached to her.

I saw movement in her. I went, sat beside her and held her hand. She took some time and opened her eyes slowly. Nurse went out to call the doctor. I called Siddharth and informed him about the same.

"Hey Princess!! How do you feel now??" - I asked, just then Siddharth appeared.

"I guess, I lost my memory." - she said looking strangely at me. I and Siddharth exchanged glances.

Siddharth came rushing to her side, being unsure whether she remembers him or not and said "This can't be true"

"It is!! because as far as I remember my name was Payal not Princess, isn't that right Siddharth." She said smilingly. Siddharth kissed her on forehead. I could notice she lowered her eyes, feeling shy.

"Oh my god !! you scared me to death" I said, my hands were above my head.
Just then doctor checked her and said that she can be discharged in another two days. And made it clear to take care, that she doesn't strain her legs much.

Siddharth went along with the doctor to complete the other formalities.

"Did you buy any bottles?" She asked trying to sit. I went near and helped her with it.

"No, But I'm sorry I shouldn't have left you there, outside." - I said holding her hand.

"Come on, It's not your fault, at all. I am not a kid, I should have been more careful." She said placing her other hand on mine.

"But, what I don't like, is hospitals, they have this bad medicine smell all around, people around you have these gloomy faces, this hospital gown, it's all so nauseatic." She said making a face.

I laughed, hearing her words, the faces she makes instantly. Oh!! Who could say that few minutes back she was lying there unconscious." I agree with you except that you don't fail to look beautiful, even in this gown."

"Oh how fake!! I feel way more nauseatic now." She said and we both laughed.

"Ahh!!" she gasped holding her forehead

"What's wrong??"

"I don't know."

I called nurse.She asked Payal to lay back and rest and do no more talking. She obeyed and in some time, she again went back to catch sleep.

She slept so peacefully. I pulled her blanket upwards. I kept looking at her, I didn't fake, she really looked beautiful and I wanted to kiss her at that moment. I didn't think twice, I moved closer and gave a light peck on her cheek so as to not disturb her sleep.

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