Last Chap ( Not the end )

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Siddharth’s POV

‘Why the chairs are thrown to that corner. Half of the lighting is still pending.. The food hasn’t arrived yet…’ “Relax Payal everything will be done” Sidharth said calmly.

“Have you picked your outfit given for designing, have you called caterer guys, atleast have you checked on Manav?? I didn’t see him since morning” she asked raising her left eyebrow. Shit I had done none of that. Still, I manage business and this is just some silly thing to win over.

“Let me ask you, did you decide what to wear? Did you check what your husband wearing tonight?? Or at least did you ask him whether he had his lunch or not?” I mirrored same look of hers while asking..

“ohhhhh!!! You didn’t have your lunch!!! Who cares? Anyway, after eating people feel dizzy. So work while your stomach growls” she said and walked away.

‘Managing business is easier’

“What a wife!!! Lucky me…..” all I could say.

I checked upon my sherwani ,I gave a ring to caterers and the last thing on ‘to do’ list, ‘FIND MANAV’ is still on.

I tried Manav’s phone several times, but it went ‘not reachable’ every time.

Anyway I lied to Payal that Manav has been busy with some important work at office and he’ll be back anytime. But will he?

But the most beautiful part was, maid was bringing me something or the other in every 30 min to eat. I and you, both of us know who cares.

It was 6 in the evening, the engagement will be starting in another 1 hr but there is no sign of Manav. Payal started worrying and Mithali, Oh man!! Her eyes filled with tears, just to save the makeup, she controlled I guess. Frankly even I was freaking out, what the hell is wrong with him?

Mithali walked to me and signalled payal to walk towards us, tears were clear as crystal in her eyes.

“What happened Mithali??” Payal asked

“He was never serious about all this. He is just playing around all the time.” She said sobbing, her kajal started spreading as she continued, I was shocked to hear all this from her, but couldn’t say a word because may be her words might be true.

“That is not true, Mithu. He is really busy with office work. He’ll be back on time. Please calm down” Payal said consoling Mithali

“I’ll get him” I said and picked my car keys. I seriously don’t know where to look for him, but I can’t let all this happen. As I was about to step out of the house, I see Manav walking calmly as if a guest walking to a gathering.

“Where were you Manav, You idiot?” I busted on him.

“Thank god you have come. Now go and get ready fast” Payal said and he just nodded

Manav’s POV

I got home and looked for Mithali, she is nowhere to find. But I know her room. I was longing to see her. Why? I don’t know. I just want to see her.

I knocked on her door, no response. The door was lightly open, I pushed it a little and stepped in. There she was, she covered her face and … shit she was crying..

I literally ran towards her, kneeled down. She slowly removed her hands. Her face was complete red, her kohl was mess, she looked real bad.

Before I could speak anything. She moved away and asked me to get out.

“One more thing I don’t want any favour from a dick like you. I don’t want this engagement, nothing from you.” Saying so she started taking off her jewellery. I went closer to her, she kept on resisting, but I’m not letting her do anything stupid. I just asked her to stop, she didn’t listen, I held both her arms, made her look into my eyes. Her eyes that read hurt, tired, betrayed. I pulled her for a hug. She tried to get out of my hold, but I kept on whispering sorry. After a minute she calmed, and it felt warm having her in arms. I broke the hug and apologised for the last time.

She was still not convinced. I took some tissues and started cleaning the mess of kohl. She didn’t stop me, may be she’s blushing, or maybe she is still angry and doesn’t wanna speak to me. I could hear payal’s voice approaching. “Get ready and come fast, I’ll be waiting downstairs” saying so, I left her room.

Later after 40 minutes, I got ready and went downstairs. To my surprise, she is already waiting for me.    
     ‘You keep me waiting every time’ May be that’s what she wanted to say, but no she didn’t open her mouth.

The ceremony went on but she never spoke to anyone, just a smile served everywhere. The time when I held her hand to slip the ring, I had my eyes fix to her and I didn’t actually made through her finger, until she actually locked her eyes with me. I wanted her to trust my presence in her life. She slipped the ring through my finger without looking at my face even. May be she is feeling shy or otherwise.

The ceremony ended, and those few friends, relatives headed back to their home. Mithali was staying back for tonight.

I looked for Mithali, she wasn’t anywhere around, so I started to walk towards my room. There stood a lady waiting for me again.

“Hey!!” I called to draw her attention.

“Heh!!” she gave a weak smile.

“Anything Wrong?” I asked by looking at her disturbed face. She nodded in ‘NO’

“Ha.. Hm.. I know that you were having second thoughts about me, this whole fake engagement thing. But its okay, I get it…’

“No, you don’t. I mean, sure I was thinking about all this.. But not what you think it is. I just went confused, I didn’t want to risk your future, upon my decision.”

“I don’t understand”

“See, assuring all that I’ll take responsibility of yours is much easier, than actually doing it. What if I fail in keeping up my promise and all. But now, it’s all sorted. So you need not stress about anything. Just pack your luggage and be ready for your life at new place, Mumbai.” Saying so I turned to leave but she caught my wrist.

“What changed your mind, afterwards?” She asked.

“You. I guess you are worth such risk of fake engagement"  I looked into her eyes, and they seemed happy. I was smiling too and the next minute, she jumped into my arms and said “Thankyou monster”

“Don’t call me that”


“You know what what”

“No, I don’t. Good Night Monster.” She freed herself and ran towards her room.

“Its Manav, as per the records.” I shouted at her back

Hushhhh” she reminded me of my silliness and I walked back to the room wondering the sudden turn of my life. It’s not like I’m complaining, but it’s definitely gonna be challenging.

This how the ending is….
I don’t wanna end it, but there’ll be Part 2 of it. When?? I don’t know that yet..
But definitely, there’s more to it..
See yaaa..

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2020 ⏰

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