Chap 24

54 8 2

Payal's POV

"I got struck with some work at school and I'm really late today. It was pitch dark, I started taking big steps, looking for a cab or auto. But I could find none. I kept walking, expecting it in the next lane and next lane....

I saw group of men standing in the middle of the road, only one mild street light was active in that lane. It is a busy market area, but not at this time of night. All shops had its shutters down and all I could hear is the voices and giggles of the men. I ignored all of them, bent my head low and walked straight to get out of the route as quick as possible.

One man started walking towards me. I lifted my head, his face was all covered in the smoke of his cigar and my instincts warned me when I saw a creepy smile on his face. This was enough now, I turned the other side and walked fast to get to the main road. But I could hear bunch of footsteps following me and their loathsome comments on me.

To avoid them, I quickly took a turn to my left and my bag got struck to a nail on the wall, I tried to get free of it, but the sounds of footsteps were approaching nearer, my heart beat was at its full speed. I left the bag and began to run. I turned left and then right and then right and another left and then right. Now I stood in the middle of nowhere, I visited the market but I never had a desire or need to enter into these deep lanes of it. There was complete silence. Tears started flowing down my cheek, I was covered in complete sweat, my hands and legs shaking. I didn't know where to go.

After gathering myself I cleared my eyes which got blurred because of tears, I said to myself – 'I cannot lose this easily. I need to try, for mom, for Rahul and most importantly for myself.'

I took turns in the lanes wherever I could find street lights beaming. I couldn't keep a track of my way into these narrow lanes. I kept walking till I saw main road, but still there wasn't any sight of a living being on the road. I knew this road but I wasn't able to remember, whether I should choose left side or the right side of the road. In this dilemma, I stepped out of the lane and looked at the left of the road and then on to my right, where again I saw those men looking for me. I quickly hide back in the lane and I was secretly praying they haven't seen me. I again took silent unsteady steps back into the narrow lanes. In such speed, I failed to notice, a big drum placed on the side of the road and I banged on it and the heavy drum dropped on my left leg. I closed my mouth tightly, so that the screams of hurt could die within me.

I reached for the handle of the drum and tried to get away with it. It was heavy and I was completely strained out. But I saw some footsteps near me and before I could look up to them, one pushed drum aside, the other held my right leg, one held me by my dress on the shoulder. I shouted for help at the highest peak of my voice. Just then the other one covered my mouth tightly and they took me into a dark lane. I was resisting and Praying to every God, I know, for help. Tears never stopped its speed and I closed my eyes to avoid witnessing any more cruelty.

I opened my eyes with a jerk and found myself in the bed. I checked myself, I was safe in the bed. It was a dream, a bad dream.

But my tears they couldn't differentiate between the dream and reality. I looked for water, the glass jar was empty, I took the jar and walked slowly towards the kitchen. I was filling water into the jar but I was like I'm still struck in those dark lanes and those men.

Just then, I felt a hand on my shoulder, I dropped the jar, I got free of the hand from my shoulder and pushed the person's body harder to the farthest and turned back to look at person behind.

"Ouch!!! that was bad." – Manav said holding his back. I pushed him to the corner of the wall and he was sitting there in pain.

I quickly moved towards him. I offered my hand and he lifted himself holding it. " I'm so sorry... I didn't mean to.. hurt you.. " I managed to say between the sobs.

He moved forward and kept his hand again on my shoulder and started asking what's wrong with me??

I couldn't say anything. I just hugged him and cried my heart out. While his shirt was soaked in all tears, he kept his hand rubbing gently to calm me and kept saying "It's Ok. It's alright."

After some time when all my tears were dried up, I got free of his arm and moved a step back. I felt embarrassed. How could I cry in front of him, this way?

He handed me a glass of water. I drank till the last drop of it.

He took empty glass from my hand and bent a little so that he could talk looking at my eyes and asked "Coffee?". I bet he was rechecking if my tears really choose to end. I wanted nothing at this moment but I nodded in a yes, to escape from his view.

"Ok, please wait there. A delicious hot coffee will be on your table in two minutes, Madam." He said with an accent.

I moved towards the dining table but did not stop there, I opened the main door, cool breeze passed touching my face and I felt relaxed. I settle myself on the stairs and sat in silence.

To be continued......


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