Chapter 17: Stop messing with my heart

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Exo is back, Finally! Did you listen to DMUMT? Tempo is just brilliant! Oasis and ooh la la la are my fav

Joy pov:

I cover my mouth in shock and look back between Yeri, Seulgi and Jimin.

"What? She really hates that drink and me too", Jimin says while looking at our shocked faces before going back towards Jungkook and Kai.

I guess I will have to talk to Seulgi unnie later. Me and Baekhyun oppa play along with the music as we wait for the next one.

"Waah! It's Baekhyun and Taehyung", Jimin oppa shouts as he claps his hands.

This is you going to be fun!

"I'm sorry Joyah I have no other choice", Baekhyun oppa whispers to me before heading towards Taehyung oppa.

What was that for?

He quickly places a small kiss on Taehyung lips. Everyone in the pool shriek and head back in different directions to cover themselves.

Taehyung's face is really funny right now. He takes two dips in the pool to cool himself.
I try to stop laughing but it's really hard. Taehyung splashes some water on my face as I tease him.

Yerin spins the wheel again and the game continues. Thanks to the music I was able to stop myself from drinking before getting completely drunk.

"Yerin! Chanyeol!",Jimin says as he prepares the shots.

"Now I'll get to know who she was staring at", I whisper and Baekhyun oppa turns towards me on hearing me.

"Yerin and Chanyeol?", he asks looking clearly suprised.

"I don't know if it was you or Chanyeol she was smiling at", I says as he moves closer to talk to me.

"Are you jealous?", I ask as I turn to him.

"Sorry but my girlfriend will kill me", he says as he throws his hands in the air and continues drinking his beer.

We expected a really awkward kiss as they are not really close to each other. But what happens next temporarily takes our breathes away. He places his hand around her waist, leans in closer to her lips and gives a long yet sweet kiss. Oh my god! That was longer than mine and Yerin's.

"OMG!",me,Yeri,Hoseok,Minseok,Chen,Jin and Jungkook shout as we comeback to our senses.

"Is there something that we are missing?", Kai oppa asks as he smirks and looks at Chanyeol.

"Have this", Chanyeol replies as he shuts Kai mouth with a drink.

"There is one more shot to go", Yeri announces as she spins the wheel.

God pls don't let it be me!

"Yeri Sehun!", Yerin shouts as she holds up a shot. They just stare at each other and freeze in their places.

"What are you guys thinking about? Just kiss each other or drink it!", Jungkook says as he waits for them to respond.

"I'm not going to drink it. You drink it!", Yeri says as she take the shot into her hands and stretches it out to Sehun.

"Me neither. I can't drink it again", Sehun says as he stands next to her and throws his hands in the air.

"Yaah! Stop bickering and Just end it already", I say as I start getting frustrated.

"Okay", he says as he turns towards Yeri. She holds up the glass for him to take but he immediately grabs her and kisses her. She closes her eyes and holds him to maintain her balance.

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