Chapter 35: We Go Fishing!

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Joy pov:

"What am I even doing here so early in the morning?", I sigh as I wait for a fish to take my bait. We have been given two hours to complete our task and get back to the villa. There's an incharge here who helped us make the initial arrangements but now I guess he went back to relax.

Well I don't blame him though .. It's not even 5 am yet!

Why do people even like fishing?

I really don't get it. I've been waiting for twenty minutes now and not a single fish came across my way. There's one person who caught one right after he started and its none other than Jungkook. I turn my head to look at him happily placing his treasure in the container next to him as he goes back to continue what he was doing.

Why is he so happy?

A huge smile got plastered on to his face since we started fishing and I'm trying to just keep my eyes open in here.

Btw where's my boyfriend?

Why does he keep vanishing?

The last time he vanished wasn't really pleasant. I just hope he isn't doing something foolish again. Actually I know Taehyung as a friend and he can really be foolish but seriously he was beyond foolish last night.

"Sooyounga! Look I have got another one! ", Jungkook says as he shows me his second catch.

"Yaah! Are you kidding me? Why is that you keep getting them and I didn't even get one?", I say as I start getting annoyed. He's sitting right next to me, but he's catching one after the other and I'm not!

"Maybe your reel isn't tied properly. Let me check", Jungkook says as he immediately moves behind me and stoops over to check the reel. I freeze in my place for a while as I feel him too close. His heart beating faster than mine and his breath fanning on my cheeks. I don't dare to turn my head around the whole time cause I know it would make the situation awkward.

"Pabo! You just didn't tie it properly" he says as he adjusts the reel and leaves it.

"Huh... Thank you", I say as I awkwardly say as he moves away. I immediately heave a sigh of relief and release the breath I never knew I was even holding.

Where is this idiot when I need him the most?

Wait a second!

Did he just call me pabo(idiot) ??

"Yaah I'm a year older than you! How can you call me pabo? And call me noona from now", I say as I immediately smack Jungkook. He just laughs at me and continues what he was doing.

I get back to concentrating on my fishing again and stare at my fishing rod in anticipation, just hoping that atleast one fish notices by bait.

Hey guys aren't you hungry?

Please take my bait for once...

As I get busy staring at my fishing rod, suddenly a hand comes out from my left side making me get an eye contact with a rockfish, scaring the hell out of me.

"Ahhhhhhh!!", I yell out and both my hands almost fly in air due to the shock.

"Haha.. Sooyoung your face! You must have seen it!, Taehyung starts laughing as he takes the fish away from my sight and places it in the container next to him before sitting next to me. I also heard a click of the camera and then my eyes fall on my embarrassing picture that he has taken.

"You idot! Are you crazy? Why do you keep scaring me all the while? Do you want to die?", I say as I smack Taehyung on his chest until I can calm myself down. He winces in pain and wraps his arms around me as he keeps his stupid laughter going on.

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