Amara's P.O.V
I sat on a chair that was across from Brennan. However, I didn't look at him. I could feel him staring at me but I couldn't look at him.
"We should discuss about what will happen before the wedding," My mother said.
"We want Amara to live with Brennan already," Mrs. Kindell said.
"What?" I asked in shock.
"Because you both will be living with one another sooner or later anyway," She tells me.
"What about my school? I still have another month left," I tell her.
"We want you to experience your last month of high school so you will attend to everything you wish to experience before your marriage to Brennan," My mom tells me.
"What about my boyfriend?" I asked. Brennan got up before walking away. I looked at him in confusion.
"You need to break up with him," My dad tells me. I looked back over at my father.
"No. I love him," I tell them.
"Amara. You are engaged to Brennan," My father tells me.
"No I'm not. He hasn't proposed to me. So technically, we are not married," I tell them.
"Brennan will propose to you after your graduation," Mr. Kindell tells me.
"You will be engaged soon. Amara, you need to break up with this boyfriend of yours," My father said. I can hear him getting mad at me.
"We're suppose to go to prom together. How can I explain to my boyfriend that I can't be with him anymore because I'm engaged to someone I hardly know?" I asked.
"We did say she should have a normal high school experience," My mom tells dad.
"We let her have a normal high school experience!" My father tells her.
"A normal high school experience also means that I could date boys my age," I tell him. My father let out a sigh in disappointment and anger.
"Fine. Once you graduate, you will break up with your boyfriend. Understood?" My dad asked me. I didn't want to agree to this. I nodded to get them to move on.
"We think that Amara should move in with Brennan as soon as possible," Mrs. Kindell said.
"Excuse me?" I asked in shock. How was I going to live with someone I hardly even know.
"She can move in during the weekend. She focuses on her school work on weekdays," My mother tells her.
"We understand," Mrs. Kindell said. I couldn't take this anymore. I needed to get away from these people.
"If you excuse me, I have to study for my finals," I tell them before getting up and walking away.
I went to my room and started to take out some of my books. I put them on my desk before sitting on my chair. I could barely focus on my work. It was annoying me that I couldn't study. My mind was cluttered with the thoughts of getting married so young and to someone I hardly knew. I sighed in distress.
"Nice room," I turned to see Brennan leaning against my door frame. For being mad at my family, how could I have forgotten about closing and locking my door?
"What are you still doing here?" I asked.
"Just wanted to come see you," Brennan tells me.
"Well I'm studying for my finals and I need peace and quiet," I said getting up to close the door in his face. I locked the door before going back to my studying.
About three hours later, I heard a knock on my door. I got up before walking over and unlocking the door. I saw my mom standing in front of me.
"Dinner is ready," She tells me.
"Are the Kindells still here?" I asked her.
"No. They understood that you needed some time to process this," My mother tells me.
"Not hungry," I tell her. My mom let it a sigh before pinching the bridge of her nose.
"Why can't you see that this is for your own good?" She asked me.
"Arranging a marriage to a guy I barely know is good for me?" I asked her.
"I have to go back to studying," I tell her before closing the door and locking it again.
I lied on my bed as I stared up at the ceiling. I didn't like how they would drop this on me before my graduation. This was suppose to be one of my best few moments of high school.
I didn't realize I fell asleep until I heard my phone ring. I woke up before walking over to my desk. I saw some unknown number calling me. I hesitated before answering the call.
"Hello?" I asked.
"Hi, Amara. It's Brennan," I heard.
"How did you get my number?" I asked him.
"Your mother gave it to me," He tells me.
"Of course she did," I said before lying on my bed.
"We all know you're upset about this but didn't we agree to start off as friends?" Brennan asked me.
"It feels hard to be friends when you're constantly reminded that you are suppose to be getting married to a complete stranger who you're trying to be friends with," I explain to him.
"Work with me here, Amara. I try not to mention it but you know we can't avoid it forever," Brennan points out. He was right. We couldn't avoid it forever. I hated how he was right.
"Maybe we're not finding the right thing to bond over or we haven't found something in common yet," I tell him.
"We can try to find something but in the mean time, try not to resist," Brennan tells me.
"You're not the boss of me," I said.
"I know I'm not but I'm trying to save your life right now," Brennan tells me.
"I have other people who can help me if things go wrong," I tell him.
"Maybe so but this is still your family," Brennan tells me. That just hit me. I stayed quiet for a little bit.
"I need to go," I tell him.
"Alright. Have fun studying," Brennan tells me.
"Thanks," I said sarcastically before hanging up.

To Be or Not To Be
RomanceJust as Amara Lowell was coming to an end to her high school life, she gets an unexpected surprise when she finds out that she is engaged to world wide billionaire, Brennan Kindell. With the problems she has to face now, how can Amara survive in a w...