Twenty One

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Amara's P.O.V

"Brennan, let's go! I don't want to be late!" I called out for him.

"I'm coming," Brennan said as he walked downstairs.

I was dressed up for my graduation today. I had my cap and gown on as well. Since I was in clubs, I had stoles on along with my medal for perfect attendance.

"Are your parents going to meet us there?" Brennan asked me.

"Yeah," I tell him.

"Where are your extra clothes to change into for your grad nite?" Brennan asked me.

"Right here," I tell him before giving him my backpack.

"Perfect. I'll pick you up at your school when you're done," Brennan told me.

"Okay," I nodded.

"Are you excited to be graduating?" Brennan asked me.

"Yup!" I smiled.

"Let's go," Brennan said as we walked out of the house. Beatrice didn't mind not going since she had to do some errands while she was back in America. That and she surprised everyone by coming early.

Brennan drove to the Pasadena Rose Bowl stadium. It was big enough for us and all of everyone we invited to our graduation ceremony.

"Okay. You're going to do great. I'll be right by that tree, waiting for you," Brennan pointed out.

"Okay," I smiled.

"Nervous?" Brennan asked me.


"You're going to be great. Besides, you have Chris by your side," Brennan assures to me.

"Alright," I smiled.

"Amara!" I looked over to see my parents, Brennan's parents, and my grandparents walking over.

"Hi guys," I said.

"Oh my gosh. I can't believe you're graduating!" Mom said before hugging me.

"Wait! Let's take a picture of the two together," Rosie said. After taking some pictures, Brennan finally told our families that I had to go get ready to walk.

I went to Chris and the rest of our friends who were excited to graduate. I stood by Chris as we waited to walk down the aisle to our seats.

"Is Brennan here?" She asked me.

"Yeah," I nodded.

"Is he sitting with your parents?" Chris asked me.

"Yeah. His parents are here as well," I tell her.

"Okay, cool. Do you get along with his parents?" Chris asked me.

"Kinda. I mean, his mom kinda reminds me of my mom," I tell her.


"Yeah. But right now, it should be all about me, you, and us graduating," I tell her.

"Damn right! We did all this hard work to graduate and here we are," Chris told me. I smiled before giving her a high five.

Brennan's P.O.V

I sat next in between my parents and Amara's parents, as we were waiting for Amara to graduate. During the time, I was texting my assistant to make sure everything was okay.

"So, Brennan, I heard you're planning a graduation party for Amara two days from now," My mother said.

"Yes I am. You all are invited but I just ask to not to mention the arrange marriage or make it all about you guys," I tell them.

"We can agree to those terms," Amara's father said.

"Thank you," I said.

The moment the graduation ceremony started, I watched proudly as Amara walked and get her diploma. I saw Chris and Amara cheer for each other loudly as they both went up. At the end, I waited patiently with her family outside to greet her.

"I did it!" Amara said happily as she walked over to us. I smiled as I engulfed her into a hug.

"Good job sweetie," Her mom said.

"Okay. So I need to get ready to go to gradnite but I do have some time for pictures," Amara said.

After some pictures with Amara, Chris and her family took pictures with Amara as well. After we were done with the photos, Amara and I walked over to the car so she could change.

"You excited for tonight?" I asked her.

"Yeah. We're going to be at Disneyland all night long," Amara said happily.

"Well, after your gradnite, I will be picking you up at your school," I remind her.

"Okay. Thank you, Brennan," Amara smiled.

"I will stand out here while you change," I tell her.

"Okay," Amara got inside the car to change. I waited outside for her to finish.

When Amara stepped out of the car, she was wearing her NYU hoodie along with some skinny jeans. She started to switch from her heels to some converse.

"I'll be able to pick you up at your school. Text me if anything changes," I tell her.

"I will."

"You have my credit card right?" I asked her.

"Yes. I don't understand why I can't use my own money," Amara said.

"Because this is a special night for you. You should be able to get whatever you want," I tell her. Amara looked at her phone which had a small wallet attacked to it.

"And this won't affect your money?" Amara asked me.

"Amara, it's fine. Go have fun alright?" I tell her.

"Thanks, Brennan," Amara said before giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"I'll see you tomorrow morning," I tell her.

"Do you want to walk me over to the buses?" She asked me.

"Sure. Why not," I shrugged. Amara held out her hand for me to hold making me smile and hold her hand.

"Come on," Amara said as we headed over to the buses.

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