Thirty Nine

414 14 3

Amara's P.O.V

Being back in New York felt weird and wrong for some reason. I had only two more months of school left and I didn't know what to do once summer hits. I walked inside the lawyer's office with Brennan by my side. 

"You feeling okay?" Brennan asked me.

"It's whatever to be honest," I shrugged.

"After this, we can get lunch together."

"Don't you need to go back to work?"

"They'll be fine. Trust me."

After greeting the lawyer, I sat on the chair across from him. Brennan sat next to me as the lawyer brought out my parent's will.

"Your parents changed the will one last time before you went off to college," the lawyer explained to me. I stayed quiet as I nodded.

"Can you just summarize on what they left to me and what they didn't?" I asked.

"Your parents have left you everything, Ms. Lowell. They trusted on you to divide on what you would want to sell or keep in regards to personal items. However, the money that they owned will go towards you as well," the lawyer told me.

"Thank you sir," I said. 

"I am sorry for your loss. Let me go ahead and give you the copy of the will," the lawyer told me before walking out to print it. 

"What do you want to do with the house?" Brennan asked me. 

"I don't know. I want to keep it but I don't think I can pay off anything," I sighed. Brennan placed his hand on my back making me lean against him a little.

"Thank you for being there for me. I really appreciate it," I tell him. 

"Of course."

After lunch, Brennan dropped me back off to my dorm so I could study for my finals. They were about to come up and I felt like I was behind since I came back to New York. 

"How was it?" Jessica asked me.

"It went okay. I got everything," I tell her.

"As you should."

"It's so weird knowing my parents aren't going to be there for me anymore," I admitted to her.

"Well in a religious or spiritual way, they're always going to be there for you," Jessica mentioned. I smiled softly over at her.

"I know."

"Oh and there's a surprise in the closet," Jessica told me.

"A surprise?" I asked confused. I walked over to the closet before opening the door.

"Surprise!" Chris smiled.

"Chris?!" I asked in shock.

"Hey!" Chris engulfed me into a hug after she got out. 

"How long where you in there?" I asked confused.

"Not too long."

"I can't believe you came out of the closet," I joked. 

"Ha ha ha. Came to surprise you since Jessica told me how down you've been feeling since you got back," Chris smiled at me. I looked over at Jessica who got out of bed.

"Thank you," I tell her before hugging her as well. 

"And you know what we thought of?" Jessica asked me.


"We're going to have a girls night out. So get dressed into something less depressing and let's bring that happy smile on your face back," Chris told me. 

"What do I wear?" I asked.

"This," Chris said before taking out a dress from my closet. I looked at her and Jessica before nodding. 

"Okay. Let's have fun," I tell them. 

The first thing we did was ate at some diner. After that, we headed over to Tiffany's to pretend that we were Audrey Hepburn. Jessica and I showed Chris Times Square to which we had fun over.  

"One last stop," Chris smiled at me.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"You'll see," Jessica winked. 

We headed to some museum and walked right inside. I looked at the girls who were smiling. 

"Don't we need to pay to get in here?" I asked.

"It's already prepaid," Jessica assured to me.

"I don't understand," I tell them.

We stopped once we got to some doors that lead over to the gardens. I looked at the girls who couldn't stop giggling.

"What's going on?" I asked the two.

"You'll see," Chris smiled.

"Just follow the lights. Okay?" 

"Um. Okay." 

I hesitantly walked out to hear a romantic song playing. I looked around as the garden looked beautiful over the soft lighting. The music seemed to get louder as I continued to walk. I saw Brennan standing nearby in a suit.

"Brennan? What's going on?" I asked. Brennan stuck out a hand and smiled. I walked closer before holding his hand. 

"Dance with me?" Brennan asked. I nodded as he placed his other hand on my hip. I put my hand on his shoulder as we danced. I felt like a Disney princess.

"I have to confess something, Amara," Brennan told me. 

"What is it?"

"I am in love with you and all I want is to make you happy," Brennan told me.

"I am happy."

"I mean, I want to continue making you happy. I want to spend every moment I have with you, treating you like a queen. I want to spend as much time with you as long as we live."

"What are you trying to say Brennan?" I asked in awe. Brennan let go of me before getting down onto one knee. I gasped in shock as he got out a small box and opened it. 

"Will you marry me?" Brennan asked. I stared at him with a small smile. 

"Yes," I nodded. 

"Yeah?" Brennan asked in shock.

"Yes!" I nodded. I felt tears fall from my eyes as Brennan slipped the ring in. Brennan got up before leaning down to kiss me. 

"I love you so much, Amara," Brennan told me.

"I love you too." 


Author's Note: I apologize for not writing in so long! I sorta lost my interest in writing and it is really upsetting to me since I love to write. However, I feel like it's not fair to you guys so I have decided to end the story soon. It's not fair to you guys for having to wait so long so I am deciding to end this story within like six chapters? It just depends but I am so sorry again for not updating! 

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