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Amara's P.O.V

School felt short today which I didn't like. Luckily, Travis offered to take me out to clear my head. We sat in a booth at Panera Bread as I leaned against him.

"What's wrong?" Travis asked me.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, looking up at him.

"You seem stress," Travis tells me.

"Do I?" I asked him.

"Yeah. Is it because of finals?" Travis asked.

"Yeah. It's because of that," I somewhat lied.

"Don't be so stress. You're one of the smartest people I know," Travis tells me.

"You think so?" I asked.

"I know so," Travis said before giving me a kiss.

"Amara? Is that you?" I pulled away from the kiss before looking over to see Brennan standing there.

"Oh god," I said my breath.

"What are the odds of running you into here?" Brennan teased. I glared at him a little. If he did one little thing, I swear I will make his life a living hell when we get married.

Brennan was with a girl who stood behind him. She seemed serious from just the looks. However, she didn't look like she was a girlfriend of his.

"Funny," I said in a fake, happy tone.

"Who's this babe?" Travis asked me.

"Travis, this is Brennan Kindell. He's a family friend. Brennan, this is Travis. My boyfriend," I tell him. It was Brennan's turn to frown while I smirked at him.

"Nice to meet you," Travis said, offering a handshake.

"It's nice to meet you too," Brennan said, shaking his hand.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Came to have lunch with my assistant here. By the way, this is my assistant Janice," Brennan tells me.

"It's nice to meet you, Janice," I smiled kindly at her. Janice's serious look dropped. She gave me a genuine smile back.

"It's nice to meet you too, Amara and Travis," Janice said.

"Well we don't want to keep you waiting. I'll see you again at some event," I tell him. Brennan put on a fake smile.

"I will see you again soon, Amara," Brennan said before walking off.

"Isn't he like a billionaire?" Travis asked me. I turned to look at him.

"What?" I asked.

"Isn't he like a billionaire?" Travis repeated. I nodded before taking a sip of my lemonade.

"Wow. I know your family's like rich and all but I never knew that you were that rich," Travis said.

"We're comfortable," I tell him. Travis gave me a look.

"As much as I appreciate the things we have, I don't like flinging it around like some stuck up brat," I explain to Travis.

"You're so humble. That's why I love you," Travis said. I smiled before giving him a kiss on the lips.

"You always know how to woo a girl," I tell him.

"And that's how I got you right?" Travis joked. I rolled my eyes playfully before giving him another small kiss on the lips.

"Oh, so I was thinking of getting us a party bus for prom," Travis tells me.

"Sounds great," I tell him.

"Also, for dinner, where should we eat at?" He asked me.

"I was thinking of having a potluck for dinner," I tell him.


"I can't wait for prom," I sighed dreamily.

"Me too."

I leaned against Travis a little more before glancing over at Brennan. He was staring at me as I was leaning against Travis. I didn't understand why Brennan would be upset about this. We don't know each other.

It's been a while until Travis and I decided to leave. Brennan never left the time I was with Travis.

"I'm gonna say a quick bye to Brennan," I tell Travis.

"Alright. I'll get the car ready," Travis tells me.

I walked over to Brennan who was still with his assistant. I crossed my arms at him.

"Hello, Amara," Brennan smiled smugly.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Having lunch," Brennan answered.

"Are you following me?"

"Following you? I swear I didn't know that you were going to be here. Honest," Brennan said, raising his hands up.

"Are you sure?" I asked him.


"Well I'm leaving. I hope I don't see you at my house," I said.

"I'm not going to your house," Brennan said.

"Good," I said before leaving the building.

I got inside Travis's car where he had the radio on. He was on his phone until I came inside.

"You ready?" Travis asked me.


"I guess we still need to figure out some more stuff about prom according to Chris," Travis said.

I thought about the musical from Carrie when he said that. I let out a small giggle from the thought. Travis looked at me with a confused look before leaning over and giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"What was that for?" I asked.

"For being so damn cute," Travis smiled at me.

When I got home, I saw a bunch of boxes near my room. I stared in confusion before my mother walked by.

"What's with the boxes?" I asked her.

"You need to begin packing to move in with Brennan for this weekend," My mom tells me.

"What?" I asked in shock.

"You have until Friday. You can leave some stuff here but you need to take most of everything," Mom tells me.

After letting out a sigh in defeat, I grabbed some boxes before throwing it in my room. I walked inside and slammed the door. I walked over to my bed before falling face flat into my pillows.

I let out a loud scream into my pillows before turning around. I stared up in my ceiling before grabbing my phone. I called up Chris who luckily answered.

"Hello!" Chris sung happily.

"Hey," I said.

"You sound sad. What's wrong?" She asked me.

"I have to pack to move in with my future husband," I said with fake happiness.

"Yikes. Sorry girl. Is there anything I can do to help?" She asked me.

I could never understand how she was my best friend sometimes. She was so down to earth and proud of who she was. Me? I was a little rich girl who was afraid that people would think of her differently because her parents were loaded from generations beforehand.

"Your mother's pastries would do the healing," I joked.

"I'll bring some the next time I see you," Chris said.

"Thank you."

"I gotta go back to rehearsal. Remember to breathe and stay calm. You'll get through this and I will be here for you," Chris said.

"Thank you so much," I said.

"Bye girly," Chris said.


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