Chapter 2

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I wake up to the repetitive sound of my phone ringing. Sighing, I open my eyes, suddenly realising where I am. Memories of the previous night flood back to me, and I feel like an idiot. I'd sobbed all over Kimberley, insisted we shared a bed and then fallen asleep without brushing my teeth.

My phone continues to ring, so I crawl to the bottom of the bed and pull it out of my bag. My mum's picture flashes up on the screen. Remembering our argument, I decline the call, noticing there are 6 missed calls already. I switch my phone off to save battery and shove it back into my bag.

I stretch and get out of bed, tying my hair into a messy bun.

"Good morning!" Kimberley chimes happily as I enter the kitchen. She's cooking eggs and the smell makes me feel queasy.

"Morning pet" I smile timidly.

Grabbing my lighter and fags, I go onto the balcony and smoke, taking long drags. It must be about noon but it's chilly and black clouds hang in the sky like bad memories haunting me.

Kimberley soon pops her head out of the kitchen door and asks me if I'd like any breakfast, but I tell her I'm not hungry. I look up at her and her eyes are concerned, so I quickly look away, feeling guilty.

"Come on, no more chain smoking". I can tell she's only joking, but it reminds me how much of a state I was in the previous night, and I can feel my cheeks begin to redden. Not knowing what to say, I go back inside with her and watch awkwardly as she eats, continuing to avoid her gaze.

"Did you find out what's wrong with your car?" she asks.

"Oh god, I forgot to call anyone about me car. In all honesty, I don't even know the number of a place to call" I say, hanging my head in shame.

"How long have you lived here?" Kimberley asks curiously.

"Only a couple of months"

"It's fine, don't worry about it! I'll call them up for you and get it sorted."

"Kimberley, you've done so much for us already.."

"Don't worry about it! And call me Kim"

"Thanks Kim, I mean it. And also.. can I borrow a phone charger?"


Kim gets up, puts her plate in the sink and goes into the living room, coming back with a charger.

"Thanks" I smile meekly, and go back into the bedroom, plugging my phone in to charge, even though I have no intention of using it. I lay back on the bed, pulling the duvet over me and stare up at the ceiling.

A while later, Kim comes into the bedroom, making me jump. I look at the time, realising that I've been staring at nothing for 2 hours.

"I thought you were sleeping! I've called the garage and they said that it will probably take until tomorrow to get your car fixed, possibly longer. Something about needing a new battery? Sorry, you're stuck with me again" she smiles.

My heart sinks. I really wanted to get drunk tonight but now I know I can't. It would take over an hour to walk home from Kim's, maybe two, and there's a storm due. I look up at Kim and she looks concerned again.

"Are you sure that's okay? I don't want to get in your way.."

"No, it's fine! What are friends for?" she smiles, and goes back to the living room.

It takes me a moment to register what she just said. Friends. Kim called us friends. I feel like I'm ready to burst with happiness and relief. I've made a friend.

Smiling to myself, I follow Kim into the living room. I feel sure that once she gets to know me, Kim will regret calling me her friend, but I enjoy the moment while it lasts.

Evening rolls around quicker than usual. I can hear rain quietly drumming on the windows, but I'm desperate for a fag so I borrow one of Kim's umbrellas and stand on the balcony. I can feel her worried gaze through the kitchen window, but I ignore her, looking out into the rain, quickly becoming lost within my thoughts.

It feels so weird knowing that Kim's worrying about me. I know there are people worrying back in the UK, multiple friends wondering where I've disappeared to and fans tweeting me every day, asking when I'll be back. But there are also the paparazzi, lurking like vultures, thrusting cameras in my face. There are the newspapers with Ashley's face all over them, with various other women. And there's my family, not telling anyone that I've fled to America, even though they themselves don't know exactly where I am.

Suddenly I feel a hand on my shoulder. Kim is standing with me in the rain, and I come to my senses, realising that I've smoked the whole pack of cigarettes and that I'm crying. She leads me back indoors, taking my lighter and putting it in her pocket, then folding down the umbrella. She turns to me,gently wipes my tears with her thumb and pulls me into a tight hug. After a few moments, she steps away.

"I'm gonna put some pizza in the oven if you want any?". Her eyes look hopeful, but I just shake my head, avoiding her disappointed gaze, and go into the living room.



I stay in the kitchen whilst waiting for the pizza to cook. I'm really concerned about Cheryl and I can't help being slightly angry with her too. It's clear she's going through a rough time in her life, but she won't eat and continually smokes. Her counselling clearly isn't helping either, as she looks closed off and lonely most of the time. I vow to myself there and then that I will try and help her- it doesn't look like she has anyone else making sure she's okay, at least not here in LA.

Once my pizza is cooked, I take it into the living room with an extra plate, just in case Cheryl changes her mind. As soon as I sit down, she turns to face me.

"Have you got any alcohol?"


"Have you got any alcohol? Like vodka? I'll pay you back for it if you want, but I really fancy a drink"

Surely she must be joking? She looks small and desperate, staring at me with big brown eyes, and I realise that I can bribe her.

"I have some vodka.. if you have a chat with me first?"

She looks confused.

"Okay, I guess.. what do you want to talk about"

"I didn't mean to, but I was scrolling through twitter and I still follow some friends from when I used to live back in England.. and they were talking about you. I didn't realise that you're so famous. I ended up googling you"

I look away, embarrassed.

"What exactly did google tell you about us then?"

"That you're missing, nobody knows where you are and.. I read some stuff about Ashley"

As soon as I mention his name, I see her eyes cloud over, her expression becoming hard.

"Go on then, call the papers, let them know! Or do you want us to pay you to keep quiet? Go on, name your fu!king price!" she glares at me, furious.

I instantly regret mentioning anything to do with Ashley.

"Cheryl, I would never do such a thing. I don't want your money and I'm not calling any papers! Please, let me help you. Talk to me about it" I plead with her.

"I can't talk about it" she whispers, breaking eye contact and looking at the floor.

I sigh, realising that there's nothing else I can do for now and that I promised her a bottle of vodka.

As if reading my mind, she looks back up at me expectantly and I tell her where the vodka is.

She stands up, and I hear her in the kitchen, grabbing the bottle and my umbrella and going back out into the heavy rain, slamming the door loudly behind her.

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